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Unit 4 Where is my schoolbag?Section A考点一 Where 引导的特殊疑问句常用句型 where +is/are +主语 问物体的时候 回答用 Its + 介词+地点 或 they are + 介词 +地点问人的时候 回答用 人称代词主格 + 介词 + 地点1. Where are my books? -_ on the sofa.A. Its B. Th ey C. They are D. It2. -_ my baseball? Its under the bed.A. Wheres B. Where C. Whats D. How4. Bobs pen is _ _ schoolbag.A.in B. in the C. in an D. on5.-_? Yes, they are on the sofa.A. Where are your pens B. Where is your pen C. Are your pens on the bed D. Are your pens on the safa6. My bag is on the sofa. .(对划线部分提问) _ _ your bag?7.-_ is Mr. Wang?He is in the librar y.A.Who B. What C. Where D. How8. Her books are on the sofa. (对划线部分提问)_ _ her books?9.Where is your baseball? - Its _A. chair B.table C. here D. baseball10_ my baseball? Its under the chair.AWhere BWheres CWherere DWhere are考点二 it, they, this, that, these, those 之间的关系this-theseit that-those they1.They are English books. (改为单数形式) _ _ _ English book.2. Those are black jackets.(改为单数形式)_.3. My English book is on the chair?(改为一般疑问句,肯定回答)_科。网4. Where are my books?-_ _ on the sofa.5.Are these your notebooks?-_. They are her notebooks.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, they are C. No, they arent D. No, it isnt6. Look at _ pcncils. They are my pencils.A.this B. these C. that D. My7.Are these rulers green?-_A. Yes, they are B. Yes, these are C. Yes, theyre D. No, these arent.8. What color are your bags?-_ whiteA.Yes, they are B. They C. They are D.Its9.-_?-They are on the sofa.A. Are they on the sofa B. What are these C. Where are his books D. What color are they10. Is the baseball in the room? (作否定回答) _, it _.11._ are your CDs. _ are very good.A. Here, They B. It, They C. They, Here D. That, Here12.Is your photo in the drawer? _.AYes, I am BNo,it is CYes ,it is DNo,Im not考点三 方位介词 on, in, under, behind, betweenand, beside1在课桌下面 _ 2在沙发上面 _3在背包里 _ 4在抽屉里 _5在椅子背后 _ 6在电话旁边 _7在图片里 _ 8在墙面上 _9在梳妆台和床之间 _ 10在地上 _1. -Is _ book on the desk?-No, its _ the sofa.A. your, on B. you, in C. my, of D. my, for2.你的帽子在你的头上。 _ _ is _ your _3.我的书在哪里?-在床上。-_ _ my books, _ _ _ the bed.4.她的钥匙在桌子上吗?_ her keys_ the table?综合练习一。翻译句子。1. 那只狗在椅子下面。_2. 他的书在书柜里。His books _3. 他的夹克在床上。_4. 你爷爷奶奶在哪儿?_5. 你的字典在书包里吗?Is your _ in your_?综合练习二完形填空Look at this picture. Its a picture _1_ my bedroom. A bed, a desk, a _2_ and a dresser are _3_my room. A T-shirt is _4_the bed. _5_the bed, there are my shoes. On the desk, you can see (看到) some _6_and a _7_. My backpack _8_ on the sofa. The dresser is near my sofa. My _9_are on the dresser. I like my _10_.( ) 1. A. in B. of C. at ( ) 2. A. table B. card C. sofa ( ) 3. A. at B. on C. in( ) 4. A. under B. on C. for( ) 5. A. To B. Under C. At( ) 6. A. dictionary B. CD C. books( ) 7. A. case B. ruler C. computer ( ) 8. A. are B. am C. is( ) 9. A. plant B. keys C. math( ) 10. A. school B. classroom C. bedroomUnit 4 Where is my schoolbag?Section B 考点一 介词 on, in 的其他常见用法on 树上本来的 in 树上外来的。on +具体一天in +年,月,季节,早,中,晚。in +大地方 , at +小地方in + 语言in + 颜色1.-_ is your father?-He is in the school.A. What B. Wheres C. Where D. How2.There ary many appples _ the tree.A. in, B. on C. at 3.we read English every day _ the morning.A. in, B. on C. at 4.Whats this _ E nglish?Its an alarm clock.A. in, B. on C. at 5. 穿红衣服的女孩是她妹妹。The girl _ _ is her sister.6. We like to live_Xian.A. in, B. on C. at 7. We entered(进入) the middle school_2012.A. in, B. on C. at考点二 关于 tableat table 在吃饭 , at the table 在桌边 1.杯子在桌子上 1.The cup is _ _ _2.They are at_table. Look, the food is delicious.A.a B. the C. an D./考点三 合成词alarm clock, apple tree, English book, math book, shoe shop, model plane, computer game名词修名词,复数在后面。男女不一样,前后都要变。1. Its _ alarm clock and_ alarm clock is on the dresser.A. a, a B. an, an C. an, the D. a, the 2. His math
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