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1About the rhythmPaper Network: Abstract Text Translation in the rhythm of a discourse entity is based, the information for clues in the discourse, the activation of background knowledge that the information that people reserve, relying on peoples cognitive reasoning, and ultimately fully understand the discourse, in order to achieve a perfect translation process. This article system interpretation of the rhythm of the process of translation, text translation of how to grasp the rhythm. Keywords rhythm, text, translation First, the concept Translation is from the semantic to the style, with the closest natural equivalent words in the language in the reproduction of the source language to accept the information. Nida this definition of translation is by far the most accurate expression. 1, the continuity of text translation Consistency is the text translation process must take into consideration the past, many scholars and linguists 2have been exploring this. Bell is that coherent concepts and relationships within the discourse of reconstruction and permutations and combinations. Brown & Yule is that consistency is the readers encyclopedic knowledge and understanding of the text result of the interaction. Sperber & Wilson put the association as a result of continuity of these ideas is a common understanding of continuity no longer limited to the text itself, and is increased to accept the results of reading. 2, the dynamics of coherent text translated in real terms - the rhythm Because the definition of coherent from a different point of view, it seems complicated and unorganized, with no consensus. Matthews sentence from the text and the comparative aspects of understanding, consistency is defined as: consistency is treated as a quasi-term use, refers to the words or discourse content together, or as connected together, to be used to distinguish intricately put together sentences. Richard, who embodies a coherent understanding of that from the continuity of a connected discourse the meaning of words in the 3sentence or discourse The significance of the relationship. Then, coherent rhythm in the end is within or external to the discourse is the discourse of it? from a cognitive perspective, the rhythm is the recipient of discourse in the discourse on the process of understanding the memory stored in the brain information reasoning. Second, the interpretation of rhythm 1, the original interpretation of the dynamic rhythm of the process of building Translation of the first phase should identify the stage of the original understanding at this stage among the translators need to keep the world through their own knowledge, including knowledge of language, cultural knowledge, social background knowledge to analyze the original, to try to figure out, reasoning, language translation recipients in a different cognitive framework of the original continuity of understanding and acceptance of, grasp the significance of the various components of discourse associated with the connection or relationship between functional; analysis of the different ways of thinking and language in different 4forms, and thus build up of original understanding of the continuity in the recognition process, may also produce the original understanding of the inaccurate and bias, leading to inconsistent rhythm. 2, the process of translation to express the dynamic rhythm of building Translation of the second stage of the expression phase of discourse at this stage, the target language text is a reproduction of the original language text is in the original language text understanding based on the reconstruction and this stage of the problem is that Even when the translator has established a good understanding of the original rhythm, based on the original and the translation would still cause the continuity of line. This is most common in the handling of the above cultural differences. discourse is based on the rhythm of discourse recipients of the original understanding and reasoning ability, the translator should use reasoning mechanism, that he might be the readers prior knowledge and cognitive ability to make appropriate judgments and assumptions, to make the 5original authors intent and the readers Read the feel fit. culture is different from the surface of the default connection is omitted or hidden relations in a coherent under the default context, the compensation for the default culture is not to say the pursuit of translation fluency, with the target language culture to replace the original language culture in that part of knowledge caused by the default, or delete the part containing the impact of its rhythm. Third, to grasp the rhythm 1, not word by word translation of death There is such a famous saying in English: Love me, love my dog. If literally translated, should be: love me and the dog, but we all know the exact meaning is: Aiwujiwu so can not be translated word for word translation of the
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