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1About University Continuing Education professional thinking of ways and meansKeywords colleges and universities, professional continuing education, methods and means Abstract theory is the practice leader for the development of continuing education has a very important now to continue the research work in education is relatively small, and the theory is not strong, the researchers mainly education experts and scholars, in continuing education to work in practice is relatively small. should actively encourage the relevant managers with a theoretical study of the actual work, we can use the following form to improve the level of theoretical research, theoretical research to expand the scale: one carried out extensive research organizations, to enhance the their own level and the concept of continuing education market, enhanced ability to open up. Second, study tours abroad to carry out conditions of higher continuing education, continuing education to enhance domestic and international comparative study. Third, the organization of thematic seminars, regular academic exchanges, and 2for continuing educators The researchers provide a platform for exchange and communication, and promote continuing education of academic development. With Chinas gradual establishment of lifelong education system and building a learning community project progresses, more and more people will have the opportunity to receive continuing education, continuing education, lifelong education system has become an important part of the universitys continuing education is increasingly showing the professional development trends. colleges and universities to meet the requirements of professional development, we must change the kind of decentralized, lack of standardization of the school system and the model, the establishment of a complete system, scientific management and operation of professional education system, taking professional development road, so institution-building, teacher development, market development, curriculum design, teaching management, and theoretical research specialization. 3First, continuing education and professional content and defines the concept of Professional (Profession) first evolved from the Latin, the intent is to openly express their views or beliefs as a scientific term, there are two senses of understanding, a sense in education, mainly refers to the subject classification professional. the other is sociological sense, is seen as a rich history, culture changes the meaning of the concept but mainly refers to the part of the very high levels of specific professional knowledge, professional specialization theory is the core concept is to further the basis of professional continuing education. different areas for professional word definition varies, then we form a different interpretation of the professional, professional attributes and characteristics of the different areas that will form the specific field of study different from other professional theory, build a different evolutionary pattern of specialization. Thus, clarification of the concept of professional further analysis and 4definition of professionalism, continuing education, professional development and then analyze a prerequisite. So, what type of professional continuing education is continuing education? Continuing professional education refers to a professional qualification has been made by (who have the qualification does not mean that he has reached the professional standards) continue to conduct professional of training and awareness, so that quasi-professional or less specialized professional career as a high level of specialization, or professional level has been further enhanced on the basis of professionalism and improve the process so that employees continue to layman can not replace the professional realm. It is a systematic, professional, open and lifelong education activities. In short, continuing professional education, is seeking to achieve high quality standards, namely, by high standards of education and training of employees to improve the overall quality of training of trainers, especially the innovative thinking and creativity purposes. 5Second, the social background of continuing professional education (A) the construction of life-long education, learning-based society with the horizon of knowledge economy, lifelong education, continuing education, the concept of a learning society deeply rooted, high-level continuing education community for increased demand. Today, lifelong learning, a learning organization is no longer a vague concept, but is becoming operational in practice many party and government leaders, institutions and enterprises and organizations realize that the only lasting advantage the organization is learning faster than competitors with the ability to , love learning will win. These far-sighted vision of the leaders of the high-end training aimed at the domestic first-class
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