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1Accounting experimental teaching materials on the economic business tips should be in accordance with the accounting level of depth selection experimentsAbstract: The experiments have been published materials used in accounting, given the economic business tips is a common phenomenon, which guide the beginner smooth entry accounting, the successful completion of the pilot project has played an important role, but the other hand, so that students lose brains thinking, training, opportunities for professional judgments, the accounting profession is not conducive to the quality of education students, therefore, should be in accordance with the accounting level of depth selective experimental use. Keywords: Accounting Accounting Accounting experiment experimental teaching materials First, given the economic business tips is now a common phenomenon in experimental teaching materials accounting Economic Business Tips gives evidence 2that the economy is in the business place or the original certificate must be completed before or after, with the text content of the business economy. Throughout the present experiment have been published materials used in accounting, given the economic business tips is a common phenomenon, but given the form of distinction. Some evidence that the economy in a given business each occurrence or the original certificate must be completed before given, such as the Institute of Finance and Accounting Department of Guangxi Li, the editor of the standard cloud Pan (October 2008 Peoples Communications Press, Guangxi Institute of Finance and Accounting Department Panjie Ling, Huang Yiqing editor of the basis of accounting Comprehensive Experimental Course (October 2008 Peoples Communications Press, Shaanxi College of Zhang Futang financial editor of the accounting simulation materials (February 1995 Dongbei University Press, Yan Shen Hebei Vocational and Technical College Building Materials, 3edited (In August 2002, Dalian University of Technology Publishing House, are all using this form, some focus is given by the first sequence number of financial services business tips, and given that the economic business the occurrence or the original certificate must be completed, but before the original certificate number marked economic business tips, such as the Institute of Finance and Accounting Department of Guangxi Zhang Zhen editor of the Industrial accounting simulation tutorial (October 2008 Peoples Communications Press, Tianjin University of Finance and side building next editor of the (December 2003 Economic Science Publishing House, Tianjin University of Finance and Tian Kunru editor of the A New accounting simulation tutorial (November 2007 Northeast University of Finance Press are all using this form. Of course, there will be economic and business tips on the occurrence or prove financial operations must be completed after the original certificate, but relatively rare. In short, the present experiment have been published using the 4accounting materials, large Most are given economic business tips. Second, the accounting test materials in the economic business tips to guide the beginner entry accounting, contributed to the successful completion of the pilot project Imagine, never had any contact with a university student accounting services, accounting during the experiment, the face of the economic business if only to prove the occurrence or the original certificate must be completed, it is absolutely Ruzhui clouds fog, do not know The original certificate is reflected in the economic business, the accounting treatment to be even more do not know how to bite. So, those of us who design the pilot project accounting, preparation of teaching materials for teachers of accounting experiment in the preparation of accounting experimental teaching materials, they worked tirelessly, Elaborate experimental teaching of accounting used in the economic business, given the evidence that the economy in the occurrence or the business must complete the original certificate, but also to extract the economic business tips for 5beginner students who during the accounting accounting experiment , to see these original documents, to know what economic operations, and thus know how the accounting treatment. It is clear that economic business tips, Beginners of accounting of accounting has played a very good experiment is the role of guide to help, so that arrangements in full compliance with knowledge and learning from easy to difficult, Deep progressive principle, so to say, the accounting test materials in the economic business tips to guide beginners smooth entry accounting, the successful completion of the pilot project should not be withheld . Third, the accounting test materials in the economic business tips, not conduciv
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