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A Chevron and Lummus Technology Joint Venture 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. ISODEWAXING and ISOFINISHING Premium Base Oil Production 异构脱蜡及后精制工艺 生产 优质的基础油产品 Dr. Chien-Cheng John Shih 施建成 博士 Lube Technology Manager 润滑油技术经理 Chevron Lummus Global 雪佛龙鲁姆斯全球有公司 2 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Formulation of Lubricating Oils 润滑油的调配 Base Oil Manufacturing Technology Offered Through Chevron Lummus Global, LLC 通 过雪佛龙鲁姆斯全球有限公司 转 让基础油工艺技术 Example 例 : Automotive 汽 车用 Engine Lubes 发动机润滑油 15% Additives 添 加 剂 85% Base Oil 基 础油 Lube Additives by Chevron Oronite Company LLC 由雪 佛 龙奥伦耐全球有限公司 提供添加 剂 Additives 添加 剂 Base Oil 基 础油 Lube Oil 润滑油 Chevron Offers Both Base Oil Manufacturing and Additives 雪佛 龙可提供润滑油工艺及添加剂 Base Oil 基 础油 Additives 添加 剂 3 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Definition of Viscosity Index 粘 度指数的定 义 4 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. API Base Oil Categories 润滑基础油 的 分 类 Group Sul fur, pp m Satura tes, % V.I . I 300 an d/or 90 80 - 120 II 300 and 90 80 - 120 III 300 and 90 120 IV All Poly al ph ao le fins (PAO s) V All St ocks Not I ncl ud ed in Gr ou ps I - IV Group II+: VI 115 (US), VI 110 (China) II类 +: VI 115 (美国 ), VI 110 (中国 ) 硫含量 饱和烃 分 类 黏度指数 5 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Advantages of Hydroprocessed Base Stocks 加 氢基础油的优 势 Lower aromatics, nitrogen, and sulfur base oils Less reactive 低芳 烃,低氮,低硫的基础油 反 应性小 Less reactive, can sustain lubricating properties longer due to: 反 应性小,因而可以维持更长的润滑性能 , 因 为 Better oxidation stability 更好的氧化安定性 Better thermal stability 较好的热稳定性 Less reaction between the base oil and additives 基 础油和添加剂之间的反应少 6 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Premium Base Oils Can Lower the Additive Treat Rate 高 质基础油可降低添加剂添加 量 024681012141618High Saturates, LowSLow Satutaes, High SAdditive Treat Ratewt %Group I Group II Additive treat rate as much as 3% lower for mainline HDMO API CI-4, ACEA E7 when blended with Group II 在 调和 主 线重载车机油 API CI- 4, ACEA E7时若用第二类基础油添加 剂添加量可少 3。 High Saturates Low S Low Saturates High S Base Oil Benefit 第二 类 第 一 类 低硫 高硫 7 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Quote from Jan 2011 Lube & Grease 摘自 2011年 1月 润 滑油和 润 滑 杂 志 No Plan for Group I Plant = No Future 没 有 对一类油厂改造的计划 = 没有未 来 8 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Base Oils = Higher Margins 基 础油 =更高的利 润 Historically, Base oils retain relative margins very well despite crude price swings 从 历史上看,基础油相对利润率非常好 - 尽管原油价格波 动 Base Oil Margins are 20-30 $/bbl, relative to distillate 基 础油的利润率 20-30美元 /桶,高于 馏分油 Was as high as 98 $/bbl 高达 98美元 /bbl Base oil production attractive to refiners to reliably increase profits (16 MBPD plant, 1% yield = 1 MM $/year at 20 $/bbl margin) 基 础油产品因其稳定的收益增长对炼厂主有吸引力 (装置 产能 16 MBPD, 1%收率 = 1 MM 美元 /年达 20美元 /bbl 利 润率 ) 0 50 100 150 200 250 Price, $/bblS i n g a p o r e 1 5 0 NS i n g a p o r e D i e se lB r e n t C r u d e价格:美元/桶 9 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. Chevron is the largest base oil Producer in the World in 2014 雪佛 龙公司在 2014年成 为 全球 最大的基 础油生产者 05101520GlobalMarket Share, %Global Base Oil Capacity Premium Base Oil 2014 全 球基 础 油 产 能 优 质 基 础 油 2014 Source: Lubes N Greases 2010 Wall Map Equity ownership is included for joint ventures Chevron is major global base oil supplier with supply from two world scale plants: 雪佛 龙借由其两个世界级的装置成为全球主要的基础油供应商: Richmond, USA 1.0 Million MTA Group II/III, 100% owned 里士 满,美国 100万吨 /年, II/III类油,全资 GS Caltex (JV), S Korea 1.3 Million MTA Group II/III, 50% owned joint venture GS 加德士, 韩国 130万吨 /年, II/III类油,合资 Chevron has world-scale base oil plant at Pascagoula, Mississippi 雪佛 龙在帕斯卡古拉和密西西比建有世界顶级的基础油装置 1.3 Million MTA, 100% owned, 2014 start-up 130万吨 /年,全 资, 2014年开 车 Since Pascagoula is operating, Chevron is the largest premium base oil capacity in the world 自 帕斯卡古拉装置开 车,雪佛龙公司一跃成为全球最大的基础油生 产 者 10 2014 Chevron Lummus Global. All Rights Reserved. Company Confidential. CLG Leads in Lube Hydroprocessing 雪佛 龙公司基础油技术优势 Chevron invented ISODEWAXING technology and commercialized in 1994 雪 佛 龙公司发 明了异 构脱蜡技 术,并在 1994年成功商 业化 CLG recently commercialized new generation of ISODEWAXING catalyst with higher yield and VI CLG 最近 投 入市 场的 新一代异构脱蜡催化 剂 能 够提高 产品 收 率 和 黏度指数 CLG has a broad patent portfolio
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