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1Achievements continued performance of communication on performance managementAbstract Performance Management is essentially between the upper and lower levels to set and achieve performance goals and conduct of a continuous two-way communication process. The performance of communication is the first element of performance management and only management personnel at all levels of business and enterprise general staff are involved, the focus on business development strategy for sustained and effective performance of communication, performance management system in order to give full play to its increased role of individual and team performance, thereby contributing to their overall business performance improvement. Keywords sustained and effective performance management, performance of communication Many domestic entrepreneurs, both state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, the “performance 2management” This management tool is both love and hate, and some feel it is tasteless gesture of “tasteless.” Implementation of performance management companies can be said that more and more, but the long-term performance management and performance management to enable enterprises to benefit the few to achieve significant results. I believe that the main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of communication performance. First, the lack of performance of communication easy to make performance management a mere formality In recent years, many companies have also set up the tobacco industry of the performance management rules and regulations, systems, etc., with the cooperation of professional management consulting firm, will manage the production operations to integrate theory with practice to develop a more scientific and feasible performance management system, and run through the system has achieved some success. However, the performance management system 3running for some time, due to lack of sustained and effective performance of communication, so that part of the enterprise performance management technology getting rough, there is a simple step by step to model the evolution of trends in performance appraisal, and go “quantitative assessment rewards and punishments,” the simple pattern, ignore the operation in the application of business planning and progress of the actual dynamic tracking, performance management, leading to a mere formality, with little success. Second, the performance of communication is the core of performance management Complete performance management process in accordance with the “performance plan Control Performance Performance performance appraisal feedback performance improvement” five part cycle gradual, while the performance of communication as the first element of performance management is performance management throughout all aspects of the (as shown in Figure 1. 4Performance management as a complete system that requires all corporate management and staff involved, by way of communicating the corporate strategy, their respective responsibilities and performance objectives and other management staff content determined, sustained and effective communication in context, together to accomplish performance goals, in order to achieve the organizations business objectives and strategic planning. Most of the tobacco industry corporate performance management system to run mainly in the form to reflect the performance of the contract, the system runs most of the performance plan and more focused on aspects of performance appraisal, performance control, performance feedback and performance improvement of weak links, and implementation of performance management all levels and all departments have effective performance of communication, are also unable to grasp. 5Many people believe that assessment is the core of performance management, performance of communication is dispensable, then down or even cancel the performance of communication, which is upside down. I believe that the performance of communication is the core of performance management. Performance management process, in fact, is the performance of communication process. Relatively weak performance of the company to implement counseling, performance feedback and performance improvement areas, but also to the effective performance of communication by both sides to complete. Third, the performance of communication requires the active participation of all levels of business I believe that the performance in terms of communication from the participants, divided into three levels, namely, corporate senior leaders, middle management and grassroots general staff. Three-level performance of internal communication, but also the 6performance of communication between levels (Figure 2, where corporate executives and business leaders in high-level communication between communication performance is the most important part. Senior management of the enterprise business strategy is to develop the subjec
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