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1Acquired for the elderly care migraine _ On Paper NetworkPaper Network: Abstract medicine, mainly from congenital causes of clinical inquiry, but we often find in real life, many of migraine in the elderly is not produced by congenital hereditary, many of which are acquired to form the This paper mainly for the elderly on the analysis part of the elderly acquired some form of migraine and the corresponding care. Keywords migraine headache in the elderly acquired 1 Overview of migraine Medical is often said of a class of migraine onset familial tendency to recurrent episodes of disease, manifested as episodes of unilateral throbbing headache, with nausea, vomiting and photophobia, after a break period relapses in a quiet, or sleep in the dark after headache relief. Or before the onset of the headache may be associated with neurological, mental dysfunction. Migraine is a common type of headache, for the onset of neurovascular dysfunction, can be seen at any age. 2Medical cause analysis: the cause is unclear, about 50% of patients with family history. Tendency of women with migraine patient before the onset of menstruation, pregnancy after the onset of reduction, suggesting that the incidence may be related endocrine or water retention. Mental stress, overwork, sudden change of climate, light stimulation, sun exposure, low blood sugar, the application of vasodilator drugs or reserpine, tyramine foods high consumption of alcoholic beverages, can induce a migraine attack. What causes a variety of incentives for migraine attacks, according to the general theory for the source of blood vessels and nerve source theory. Wolff and other theories to explain the partial blood vessel source The clinical manifestations of headache typical migraine First intracranial arteries, regional cerebral blood flow, causing the visual changes, paresthesia, or aura symptoms such as hemiparesis, followed by intracranial arterial expansion, headache. 2 in the elderly acquired an overview of the causes of migraine headaches Medicine, mainly from 3congenital causes of clinical inquiry, but we often find in real life, many of migraine in the elderly is not produced by congenital hereditary, many of which are acquired form, this paper will address the elderly, analysis of the formation of some acquired some of the elderly and the corresponding migraine care. 2.1 Physical causes: cause intracranial inflammation, damage to various reasons, due to tumor compression and other causes vascular traction, stretching, shifting, expansion, meningeal irritation, muscle contraction, direct stimulation of sensory nerves control the head and face, etc. can cause headaches. external physical stimuli, such as light, noise, odor, patterns, etc. can cause migraine headaches. 2.2 neuropsychological factors: When long-term mental and physical stimulation by the adverse external environment, they tend to produce anxiety, anxiety, worry, anger, work progress, grief and other emotions, resulting in a migraine attack. According to the survey, 84% of depression patients with migraine symptoms are the 4same time, live or work in unpleasant encounter or angry, anxious, excited such intense emotional stimulation may feel general malaise, migraine. In addition, many middle-aged migraine, a long-term desk, but did not effectively relieve the nerve, the second is not correct sleep position, such as the pillow is too high, the cervical spine can not be a long rest, cervical nerve pain caused by nerve compression, resulting in partial headache Links to free download http:/eng.hi138.com3 appropriate nursing interventions 3.1 daily care 3.1.1 Diet Care: The study found dietary factors also affect the generation of migraine, such as excessive consumption of coffee, will cause blood vessels to dilate and stimulate the nervous migraine, and when eating too cold ice cream headache when will the experts Statistics foods likely to cause headaches at the ranking are: chocolate alcohol drinks, raw milk, lemon juice, cheese, wine . hunger or eating late can also cause migraine headaches, a partial eclipse can cause the body to reduce the intake of magnesium can trigger headache. Therefore, strict control in their daily diet, are likely to cause migraine headaches for the best non-food intake, usually 5a balanced diet. 3.1.2 Sleep Care: This is a relatively common cause of migraine headaches due to serious lack of sleep caused a headache, another intense work and incorrect sleeping posture can also cause similar symptoms, which requires the process of the elderly in rest, to learn self-interest rate adjustment and relaxation, while, do not sleep pillow pillow is too high, if you can, try to deploy the pillow, we found that there are many migraine headaches caused by cervical compression at some time not sleeping pillow and found partial headache was relieved. 3.2 Special care when the disease Disease, the elderly people in general will choose
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