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1Activation of a popular high school music appreciation class _ music networkWrite papers network: Abstract: Art needs burgeons, flowers contend, eclectic pop music to be introduced into the classroom teaching music appreciation, expand teaching resources, re-integration of course content, students interested in music lessons and aesthetic capacity, is the inevitable trend of high school music teaching. New Curriculum for teachers in music education concepts, content, methods, tools and evaluation system has done a lot to adapt to the development of quality education recommendations to Curriculum Standards as a guide, combined with practical, improve their aesthetic taste, cultivate good human qualities, so that students really do learn music, favorite music, select music, enjoy the music. Keywords: music, popular high school music appreciation class High school students enthusiasm for popular music is an objective reality can not be avoided, we must 2address this phenomenon. Albert Einstein said: love is the best teacher the new that pointed out: “Concern and attention to students interested in music, develop their interests and hobbies, music is an important foundation for learning and the basic driving force is also the sustainable development of the students in music, life-long love of music, the fundamental guarantee. “class standard” also proposed: “should be to broaden the vision, experience, learning, understanding and respect for the rest of the world musical culture, through music, teaching, enable students to establish a multi-cultural values of equality, will help us to share all the outstanding achievements of human civilization.” Faced with this science, tolerant the guiding ideology, the majority of music teachers need to do is use our brains, select healthy, good, student favorite pop music and teaching organic combination of a useful guide for students to achieve the active music classroom, to enhance the aesthetic taste of the teaching purposes. 3First, points of interest with the students, guide students in special appreciation of the new curriculum materials have popular music, popular music as a separate section set so that in high school music appreciation class, teachers can design to guide students three to four hours of The thematic appreciation, while the face of Versatile, followed by the popular footsteps, and has a strong thirst for knowledge of the relevant knowledge of high school students, only a few simply listen to songs, music paragraphs clearly can not meet the needs of their appreciation author believes that it is entirely possible with the actual, points of interest with the students to select good music to guide students to more in-depth study and appreciate, for example, the following is the author of a teaching example. This arrangement in jazz music appreciation class, the students have created for this by the African-American, has a unique characteristic of popular music rhythm melody type of understanding. So, I decided to “build on the progress”, so that students can continue to feel the same from the United States, other styles of 4popular music. Program started, I first played a Jay Chou song, move immediately ignite the students excitement, a lot of people singing along together. The song ended, I asked: “Jays songs are the kind of style?” “R & B” , “Hip-Hop”, “Rap”, the students will speak these words to say. I immediately asked: “We say these words are familiar, that is what they really mean?” The question for students once a shell card, so I will explain them one by one musical terms, and show their characteristic melodic rhythm and then listen to the songs, the students concluded with Jay R & B music in the style characteristics. Then, I Anycast has a combination of the United States, “Backstreet Boys” song, to enable students to appreciate the contrast, to find out the Sino-US two kinds of R & B Song of the similarities and differences through discussion and analysis, students summarize: because R & B music from the U.S., so its music style is more rich, clear, and Jay, who drew the Chinese American pop, R & B genre, but not all copy, but into a number of Chinese music elements, such as 5melody, accompaniment, lyrics, etc., more for Chinese tastes, so the song Jay, who can be called “Chinese characteristics”, R & B style songs. This lesson for students in pursuit of Jay Chou songs today as the starting point, so that students understand and feel from the U.S. R & B music style. Meanwhile, we hope to guide students to understand the things they like, in the understanding of music on the basis of objective the evaluation. From a practical point of view, this class is very popular with high school students welcome, just like some of the students after school, said: “I finally understand what they like in the end, before they simply like it, but could not say anything, and now understand the
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