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1Actively explore the reform efforts to improve on the quality of studentsFirst, in the main Internal factors are the basis of change, external factors are changing the conditions, teachers must recognize that students are truly the masters of learning, to learn the subject in the teaching process, the only fully mobilize the students to understand, emotional, and behavioral aspects of potential to enable students to enter a new realm of learning, in order to give full play to the initiative of students, to take the initiative to explore, to take initiatives. For example: For review of mathematical concepts, requires students to basic concepts of contact should be accurate based on memory, the formation of the knowledge chain, to be confusing the concept of special contrast, that the links and differences between them, such as center of symmetry and the axis of symmetry of the difference , and round the corner, such as the central angle, the circumferential angle, Xian 2Qiejiao ties and differences in students hands conclusion, teachers in a timely coaching, inspiration, guidance, teachers play a leading role, but reflect the students sense of participation, the main awareness, to enable students to active learning, to reduce the students blindness. Second, the individualized Mathematics education should not only attach importance to the central role of intellectual factors, and constantly improve the intellectual level of students, give full play to students mathematics learning potential, but also the importance of non-intellectual factors of motivation, orientation, maintain, regulate, control, and strengthen the role of teachers should try to help students to set lofty ideals, a strong interest in students, a rich emotional and resolute character. a class of students, due to differences in learning and knowledge-based development is always uneven for different levels of students, through a variety of channels, such as know the prep, the appropriate questions, to help other students, to enable them to improve on the original level and only 3truly establish the student services point of view, to different levels of students with appropriate expectations, in order to enhance the overall students mathematical quality. Third, utilize teaching materials Mathematical concepts and several propositions, often into film development. I was teaching, to cell structure teaching, supplemented by other teaching methods, overall progress, focusing on mathematical knowledge from cross-linked, revealing its essential nature, so that students overall grasp of mathematical knowledge in teaching problem solving, used the following methods: 1. A given problem, teachers guide students through a typical example open thinking, positive thinking of students. In problem solving requires students to not be satisfied with one solution, they should be encouraged further thinking about other solutions, and through discussions and exchanges on a variety of methods to identify, choose the best method, therefore, to do something rather less problems for students, also requires two ways to do even more than 4two methods for each question by a given problem, training students to use multi-channel, multi-angle to solve the same problem, which broaden students thinking, active student thinking of good. 2. Multi-purpose, clever use of problem-solving ideas, to change the subject conditions or conclusions, this conversion and transformation, students can expand their horizons, open ideas, the learning method can be widely applied. 3. In problem-solving teaching, guiding students to think about a given problem, let the problem constituted by the line side, to guide students to a given problem, and let the problem constituted by the surface of the body, so that students can multi-level, comprehensive understanding of mathematical problems. Turn affixed to the free download http:/eng.hi138.comFourth, the mathematical ideas Mathematics is not only a knowledge, but also has a wealth of ideas and methods. Mathematical ideas and methods inherent in the basic knowledge of mathematics, the performance of 5mathematical concepts, with simultaneous formation of mathematical knowledge development, while throughout the mathematical knowledge and understanding of learning application process, so I attach great importance to the teaching of mathematical thinking in the penetration, because math is not only the mathematical knowledge of learning, thinking and learning in mathematics and only pay attention to the analysis of mathematical thinking, can we talk about math live, talk about deep, in order to enable students to form in my mind a activity of mathematical knowledge structure, thereby promoting the development of mathematical ability, students learn the importance in mathematical thinking in solving problems of guidance, insight and continue to accumulate, gradually into their own experience, will make the r
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