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c I | :1004- 2539(2008)04- 0069- 03 . s ( Z v , null Z null 200093) null u P null n null ;K 1 null 针对混合动力汽车行星齿轮减速机构,采用集中质量法构建其多自由度系统的动力学模型b在时变啮合刚度和齿频误差激励下,将多自由度振动系统的动力学方程转化为系统的状态方程和传递函数方程b采用变步长四阶Runge- Kutta法及机械阻抗法,借助MATLAB仿真工具箱,对振动系统进行了时域和频域数值仿真,获得了系统的动态响应和齿间动载特性b仿真结果表明,太阳轮浮动改善了齿间动载,使其在各行星轮上的分布趋于均匀;刚度波动幅值越大,系统振动越严重b1 o M null 行星齿轮null 传动机构null 动力学分析null 数值仿真null null . B 1 . T , . d + J. ,2002,38(2):44- 52.(下转第75页)71 32 null 4 null null null null null null null null null null null null null null . s null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null_ M / ,7 F E D C ,( _ M + M b C 9 C W # ( m 4), W # ,q ( _ M (M 1 W # ), F E D C q h r T E s l bm 3null W # , F E D F E D H , ( M m 4null W # , F E D F E D H , M 5null 1) + h r T 1 l , q s F E D C V ,V $ e bnull null 2) F F E D C q s F E D C q Y l b3) 9 T 9 F E D C $ h e q 4 B :n 5 , E D q F KEDs , h , N F E D C V b I D1 null Gandhi, Farhan, Munsky, et al. Comparison of damping augmentationmechanismswith position and velocity feedback in active constrained layertreatments J. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2002,13(5):317- 326.2 null Nishiyama, K. Matsui, R. Damping properties of a sintered Mg- Cu-Mn alloy J. JournalofAlloys and Compounds, 2003, 355(1- 2):22- 25.3 null Thornton C. Coefficient of restitution for collinear collisions of elastic-perfectly plastic spheresJ. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(2): 383- 386.4 null DUBOWSKY S, GARDNERT N. Dynamic interactions of link elasticityand clearance connectionsin planar mechanical systemsJ.Journal ofEnnullgineering for Industry,1975, 97B(2): 652- 661.5 null BAUCHAU Olivier A., Rodriguez J. Modeling of jointswith clearance inflexible multi- body systems. J. International Journal of Solids andStructures, 2002, 39(1):41- 639, 2002(14), 41- 63.6 null , v a. E D d L 1 # J. ,2004,40(1):17,18.7 null Application of Zn- 27- Al- 1Cu damping alloy in vibration control ofmechanism with clearancejointsJ.ChinaMechanicalEngineering,2005,16(11):993- 996.8 null S i . I n ad L E D q D. : v ,2003.:68- 76.9 null Mechanical Dynamic Inc. ADAMS/solve, Version 9.0. U.S.A. 1997.10 null Rongong JA,Wright J R,Wynne R J,et al .Modeling of a hybrid connullstrained layer piezoceramicapproach to active dampingJ. ASME Journalof Vibration and Acoustics, 1997, 119: 120- 130.l :20071026 : 8 1 S (2005E206)T e : S i (1972- ),3 , , q ,p V(上接第71页)7 null Kahraman A.Planetary gear train dynamicsJ.Journal ofMechanicalDenullsign,1994,116(9):713- 720.8 null Saada A,VelexP.An ExtendedModel for theAnalysisofthe Dynamic Benullhavior of Planetary TrainsJ.Transactions of the ASME, Journal of MenullchanicalDesign,1995,117(6):241- 247.9 null Z I . s O M M. : ,1990:48- 49.10 null ,R W . d H _ s J.9 _ ,2002,19(1):97- 100.11 null . e d 9 ! 9 # MATLAB # M. :b v ,1996:121- 126,170- 173.l :20071105null null l :20071212 : Z g 1 S ? Z (No.05E244) Z g S y ! (No.J50503)T e :u P (1980- ),o , 2 7 E , V 375 32 null 4 null null null null null null null null null null null null F d L E D C W # h s null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null nullSecondly, the amplitude- frequency drawings about gear characteristicsignals are attained based on numerical value arithmetic. Finally, theam
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