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1Acute pancreatitis complicated by hepatic dysfunction Clinical AnalysisPancreatitis incidence in China increased, pancreatitis pathogenesis and understanding of the pathological process of continuous deepening of acute pancreatitis, severe pancreatitis, often complicated by multiple organ damage, liver dysfunction is more common. Study that the acute pancreatitis caused by impaired liver function not only increases the pancreatitis condition, can directly affect the prognosis 1. Through the detection of some liver function parameters, 170 cases of acute pancreatitis complicated by the patients condition and the cause of liver dysfunction analysis to explore the relationship between pancreatitis and the cause of liver dysfunction. 1 clinical data 1.1 General information on the admitted patients with acute pancreatitis from January 2003 to December 2010, except the original patients with cirrhosis, observed a total of 170 cases, male 60 cases, 110 cases of women aged 15 to 73 years, the average age 45.2 + -22.3 years old, of which 150 cases of acute 2pancreatitis, accounting for 88.2%, male 54 cases, 96 cases of women, average age 44.5 + -21.4 years old with severe pancreatitis in 20 cases, accounting for 11.8%, 6 males and females 14 cases, average age 46.5 + -22.5 years old, 90 cases of gallstone pancreatitis, 32 cases of male, female 58 cases, average age 46.5 + -23.5 years old; non-biliary pancreatitis in 80 cases, 27 cases of male, female 53 patients, mean age 46 + -20.6 years of age were more acute edematous pancreatitis and acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis, gallstone pancreatitis, and non-bile pancreatitis gender composition and the average age, the test was no significant difference (P 0.05. 1.2 The clinical manifestations of acute edematous pancreatitis, abdominal pain, mainly the most nausea, vomiting, peritonitis limited to the upper abdomen, the light is manifested as abdominal tenderness, blood, urine amylase, some patients have jaundice, severe acute pancreatitis patients with peritoneal irritation or hemorrhagic ascites illness before satiation and high-fat diet and alcohol consumption in 86 3cases, accounting for 50.5%, in patients with biliary tract disease such as biliary stones, cholecystitis, 87 patients (biliary, pancreatic inflammation accounted for 51.2%. 1.3 OUTCOME MEASURES indicators of impaired liver function with alanine aminotransferase (ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, alkaline phosphatase (ALP, total bilirubin (BIL increased and serum albumin (ALB reduced. To compare the different nature indicators of liver function of patients with acute pancreatitis determination of the value changes. 1.4 170 cases of acute pancreatitis complicated by liver dysfunction (n = 91), accounting for 54%, male 31 cases, female 60 cases, 73 cases of light pancreatitis, 18 cases of severe pancreatitis, gallstone pancreatitis 80 cases, non-bile source pancreatitis in 90 cases of pancreatitis patients parameters of liver function test values see table. Schedule of different types and different causes of acute pancreatitis liver function measured (x-+-s 4Share in the free paper download center http:/eng.hi138.com1.5 treatment and outcome of 150 cases of acute pancreatitis all line conservative treatment, complicated by liver dysfunction, 80 patients positive liver treatment, while avoiding use of drugs, liver damage and acute pancreatitis, the condition gradually improved liver function indicators are also about three weeks recovery normal .20 cases of acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis line conservative treatment of 17 cases, including concurrent liver dysfunction 15 cases, active liver treatment, with the symptoms of pancreatitis and signs of improved liver function indicators is generally 1 to 7 weeks (mean 25.5 + -10.0 days and gradually returned to normal 14 cases, 4 exception of surgical treatment. 2 patients died, are complicated by liver dysfunction. Comparison of acute pancreatitis and acute hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis both the number of days in the recovery of liver function test indicators, the test were significantly different (P 0.01. 2 Discussion Acute pancreatitis, liver damage 5manifested as sinusoidal congestion, hepatocyte necrosis and liver cell mitochondria, and lysosomal damage is most obvious, the occurrence of the earliest and the degree of liver cell damage was positively correlated with the extent of acute pancreatitis 2. This article 170 cases of acute pancreatitis complicated with severe pancreatitis and 90 cases of liver damage, accounting for 53%, while severe cases of severe pancreatitis complicated with the degree of liver dysfunction, manifested as alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin increased significantly, recovery of liver function caused by liver function damage after a long time to prove that to the extent of damage of the degree of hepatic dysfunction and pancreatitis, a
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