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1Add luster to allow multimedia teaching of historyAbstract: In the process of teaching, the use of audio-visual media with the teaching of history, which can effectively improve the quality of classroom teaching but also should pay attention to the characteristics of the discipline of history, according to the syllabus, teaching contents and students practical, flexible and use of audio-visual means. accurately grasp the best time of audio-visual use, in order to effectively achieve overall optimization of the history teaching. Keywords: high school history Multimedia efficient Emphasis on quality education, modern education and how to implement and promote quality education, and to reduce the academic burden on students, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students in active learning, in order to stimulate students in the teaching process with the implementation of the reform of the secondary school curriculum, independent learning, research initiative, modern education facing a major issue. 2The teaching of history itself a feature of past sexual: historical events happened can not re-appear. Must mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to learn the history of the teaching of history to achieve the quality of educational thought, so that theory out from history to achieve quality education basic requirements - students of analysis, understanding, summarized, general and comprehensive ability the electronic teaching is to adapt to this requirement of the modern history of education for the majority of history teachers accept, agree and matures. How to optimize the use of audio-visual media in the teaching of history, this is an important subject worthy of us to explore, but also how to build efficient history teaching in a big problem. An optimization subject content, activate interest in learning Practice has proved that: the more keen interest in some things, their attention is more 3concentrated, resulting in the observation and meticulous memories, imaginative audio-visual media can abstract language description of the specific things with shape, light, sound, method of combining color other things of the abstract image becomes boring for vivid, contagious, thereby activating the students interest in learning. Hegemonic policy of the United States a lesson, such as the teaching of world history, the beginning of class on a video, the first play realistic lens of a U.S. attack on Iraq, causing students psychological resonance, and then make the best player of the World War II victory stage several important lens students back to that era, immersive expand have learned association. culminated in the thinking of the students, I suddenly played slide such problems: What is it? Second World War, the most profound impact in World War II, who not only did not weaken, but they have also enhanced? Why? also produce slide During World War II the growth of American power. sense of accomplishment the students were full of 4energy, natural transition to the new courses, but also to stimulate the thinking ability of students, so that students successfully completed a progressive migration from the known to the unknown knowledge. Second, the rational use of audio-visual media and create situations The introduction of audio-visual media in the junior high school history teaching rational use of the map, shape, sound, color, and the like and other means to maximize the creation of a sweet, pleasing to the eye, Wyatt heart of the history of the real-life situation, so students produce as reflected in its people who heard the sound, immersive experience. harmonious and relaxed teaching environment is no doubt that students will cause emotional resonance, which allow students to accept the historical and ideological education. posted in the free papers Download Center http:/www. hi138.com teaching class, I play a clip recorded Short film reproduction Pyongyang Battle Hui generals left valuable, the Battle of the Yellow 5Sea and Deng Shichang ugly face, Weihaiwei Battle Ding Ruchang fight the enemy war scenes hero characters die for your country, but also shows Ye Zhichao abandon the city to escape the Qing generals in Mannequin instigation of Anglo-American people afraid to die. videotapes sound , paintings and elegant, vivid, realistic picture of the scene of the Battle of heroic patriotism hero unafraid of death, so that students with happiness and of sorrow, with beating and historical pulse, to seize the opportunity at this time, asked the question for historical figures: ( 1) in the Sino-Japanese War, which major battles? emerged in which the hero? (2) combined why the Sino-Japanese war last fail? order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, to inspire the students knowledge For national indig
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