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1Adhere to the three close to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political workClose to reality, and the masses, close to the grassroots level, long-term practice and experience in ideological and political work, ideological and political work to be followed by a basic principle of ideological and political work to enhance the appropriateness, the fundamental guarantee of the effectiveness of the present, in the new social and historical conditions, and how a deeper understanding to study this issue, and to give this approach a new connotations, for ideological and political work to meet the requirements of the times and practice requires constant innovation, has important practical significance. One close to the actual production, willing to scientific development “booster” To their ideals and faith, brought together the forces of development. We insist on holding high the banner of scientific development, in close connection with the work of production and operation, advancing with the times, the 2flow, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers work, and stimulate creativity. Offered on the site of the Lecture Hall of the scientific development, held in the cadres and workers of scientific development debate, with the help send the shuttle to play the series of small film, the use of caucus activities on Monday, security and other forms of often instill and deepen the scientific cadres and workers of the scientific concept of development connotation, spiritual essence and the fundamental understanding of the requirements, which change not suited to, does not meet the scientific concept of development way of thinking and ideas, and efforts to form a scientific consensus, the scientific concept of development into a world outlook and methodology, and transformed into the code of conduct and initiative. Second, it is necessary to update the concept of development, changes in the development of ideas. Always adhere to the scientific theory to guide action, with a wealth of practice to perfect the theory, the real ideological and political work into the production 3management, security management and management to achieve the ideological advantage to the management The advantage of the conversion. tightly around the central task, the difficulties in the production and operation of the mechanism of operation of hot spots as the focus of ideological and political work, efforts to achieve the target and the production and operation synchronization, layout and production and management ideas and methods coordination with the production and operation. around the effectiveness of development, tapping the potential synergies throughout the whole production process, the depth of “saving” organs, “clean type” well field “energy-efficient” staff creating activities, tapping the potential synergies continue to deepen the focus on innovation and development, the depth of party members and project research, the rating of outstanding scientific and technological projects, targeted topics project, solve problems, promote the development around the green low-carbon development and strict implementation of cleaner production standards, vigorously promote cleaner production methods, a solid job in energy 4conservation work, strengthen environmental protection efforts, and strive to build a clean production. To enhance the support capability, and enhance the development potential. We adhere to the scientific and technological research on the dominant position of the oil field development, and guide the cadres and workers, especially those of the professional and technical personnel, and strive to master core technologies and key technologies, and effectively improve the capability of independent innovation, integrated innovation and the introduction of digestion and absorption of re-innovation. Around to solve the bottleneck of the development of enterprises, and increase the technology to improve and test efforts to promote cutting-edge technology reserves based on stable production, the integrated application of mature technology, strengthening oil, wells, and improve the level of technology, to provide support for the reservoir development. to carry out the rationalization of call for proposals, advanced case studies, project research and mass technical innovation, technology research, inventive 5and creative activities, to increase the outcome of the selection, display and exchange efforts in a timely manner to the wisdom of the masses of workers into practical productive forces. Vigorously carry out the Pioneer Workers, Youth Civilization, female workers make contributions to the demonstration Kong and other activities to create a fully mobilize the enthusiasm of workers and unite the workers force. , Close to the life of the masses, a good masses of workers and close friends To flow channels, and build a communication platform. With the continuous deepening of enterprise reform,
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