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1Advances in sepsis coagulopathy analysisAbstract Sepsis is caused by infection with systemic inflammatory response to infection + systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS, further developed into multiple organ disorder syndrome (MODS and other serious complications. Coagulation dysfunction in sepsis occurred The development has an important role 1, the imbalance of the bodys inflammatory response and anti-inflammatory response is the main reason leading to clotting disorders through the collection, induction, analysis related to the SIRS their clotting dysfunction, to explore the treatment of sepsis. learn new methods for better clinical treatment of sepsis. Keywords sepsis imbalance between coagulation disorders Sepsis progression of the disease faster treatment difficult, is the major cause of death in critically ill ICU patients. Release of various inflammatory mediators in sepsis, lead to inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor TNF-a, interleukin (IL-1, IL- 6 and anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 of the 2imbalance, activation of the coagulation system while inhibiting the anticoagulant system, the hypercoagulability microthrombi formation widely microcirculation, clotting, in turn, promote inflammation, and the two affect each other jointly promote sepsis deterioration and high fatality. provide a theoretical basis for exploring the mechanism of coagulopathy in sepsis and is clinically effective treatment, and this paper are reviewed. 1 inflammatory cytokines and procoagulant mechanisms Sepsis early body to release a large number of proinflammatory cytokines, Yang Meng election 2 found in the serum of patients with sepsis is highly expressed IL-6, TNF-a, IL-1, these factors can induce vascular endothelial cells and monocytes express tissue factor procoagulant important starting material of the reaction, the extensive role in microvascular endothelial system 3. tissue factor FV (a binds to and activates the turn enhanced activation of FX and prothrombin F IX and FX. thrombin the original into thrombin prompted fibrinogen into fibrin. thrombin also 3activate fibrinolysis inhibitor, a large number of fibrin formation and deposition 4 In addition, the proinflammatory cytokines can activate platelets 5, and by the film The surface glycoprotein b / a adhesion to the surface of endothelial cells, platelets, fibrin precipitation to form aggregates, platelet activation and secretion of various procoagulant factors, leukocyte activation aggravate vascular damage and inflammatory responses 6. 2 anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant system weakened MEI Xue et al 3 showed decreased expression of IL-10 in the serum of patients with SIRS, WANG Chang et al 7 found that IL-10 in sepsis have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the bodys inflammatory response through the inhibition of TNF-a, IF- 1, the IF-6 synthesis and release to inhibit excessive inflammation and reduce tissue damage and inhibit the activation of coagulation through indirect effects. Secondly, the study confirmed that 8, and soluble thrombomodulin (TM can be significantly reduced in rats and monkeys pulmonary vascular injury, reduce micro-4thrombosis, reduce tissue edema and improve survival. TM has anti-inflammatory effects, inhibition of cell activation and fibrin deposition TM combined with the weakening of thrombin and thrombin activity, but also inactivated Va and VIIIa, while sepsis, inflammatory mediators can lead to decreased expression of TM. Liu Chunfeng 19 clinical study in patients with sepsis serum TM expression was significantly less than that of the control group, resulting TM coagulation inhibition weakened hypercoagulability Links to free papers Download Center http:/eng.hi138.com3 Conclusion Sepsis blood coagulation function disorder has reached a consensus, but the clinical treatment is very tricky, research confirmed 10, sepsis, coagulation disorders and systemic inflammatory response is closely related to the body mainly as inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine release imbalance, then the performance of the imbalance of inflammatory activation of coagulation and anticoagulation body hypercoagulable state, widely micro thrombosis., in turn, release large amounts of 5inflammatory cytokines in the clotting process, form a positive feedback, so that the deterioration of the progression of the disease. sepsis anticoagulant treatment is only symptomatic treatment, the reason to have to adjust the balance of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, blocking the inflammatory response on coagulation activation, a fundamental correction of coagulation. sepsis pathological mechanism is quite complex, involving the immune endocrine, neural regulation and other aspects 6, coagulopathy may also exist with these mechanisms in close contact, pending further study. References 1 Wuzi Xia Yin-ping, Yao Yongming. Research progress of the biological activi
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