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1Affect the quality of care outpatient infusion room Factors Analysis and CountermeasuresAbstract Objective To improve my quality of care for outpatient infusion room. Method from the infusion room environment, services, ideas, technology, nursing, care and safety, disinfection and isolation, health education, patient analysis and other aspects of outpatient infusion room care results through continuous improvement of ways and means to significantly reduce nursing errors, disputes and complaints from nursing 2009 3 down to 1, patient satisfaction increased from 85% in 2009 to 88.8%. Conclusion outpatient infusion room improvement in the quality of care. Keywords infusion room common factor measures the quality of care Hospital outpatient infusion room window, is the relative concentration of people, places greater mobility intravenous infusion with rapid administration, irritation, and rapid efficacy advantages in the treatment of patients plays an important role in order to improve my The quality of care, 2outpatient infusion, is the quality of care for outpatient infusion room management problems in the analysis, a reasonable solution. An infusion room affect the quality of care of the common factors 1.1 infusion room environment I outpatient infusion therapy room total area of ?120 square meters, the patient infusion area accounted for 80 square meters, has 40 seats and beds 5. 1-10 months in 2010, for example the average daily fluid volume 167 times, up to 291 people , Office Hours 7:45 AM to 6:00 PM. every once in a non-clinic time for UV disinfection, for 1 hour, in addition to mopping the floor with disinfectant twice a day in August 2009 has not been previously installed air sterilizer. 1.2 Patients and nurses work Infusion in patients with multiple children, accounting for more than 60% of the total patients, parents of each child has accompanied, and sometimes the number of parents to 2-4, so every morning, the infusion room is crowded, not enough chairs to sit, air relative turbidity. infusion nurses 3are seven treatment rooms, which made retaining qualified to practice six. Because most patients, with a relative shortage of nurses, and sometimes not reasonable and holiday scheduling, work fatigue prone to the young nurses, lack of clinical experience, skills puncture unskilled, the condition observed not in place. 1 of individual nurses to save time, not strictly enforce the rules, sense of duty, increasing the chance of cross infection. 1.3 Health Education Health education is an important part of care, can greatly reduce the incidence of medical malpractice in this out-patients and more patients and their families on the questions or answer questions can not be patient, do not explain in detail to the patients and their families the basics of disease and treatment process in the notes. 1.4 the patients medical knowledge and awareness of the law With the popularization of medical knowledge awareness of the law, peoples demand for medical services have become more 4sophisticated, patient care activities in a little do not understand the behavior of all want to have a say 2 the shortage of medical resources, resulting in medical treatment is difficult and expensive problem, but also increased the patients medical staffs unhappiness, which also led to high tension current doctor-patient relationship. 2 responses In response to these various effects of the infusion chamber quality of care reasons, I am starting from August 2009, has taken various measures to continuously improve the quality of care. Links to free download http:/www.hi138. com 2.1 to improve the environment, improve the hardware facilities To raise funds for renovation of the infusion room, infusion room to increase over the previous space, becoming bright, airy treatment rooms, dispensing room, dirt between the rational layout, strict division of the infected area and non-infected area, according to the infusion room area is divided into age groups of children, adult area, and infusion room set up special diseases, reduce the chance of cross infection. room chairs also 5meet the basic requirements of patients and their families, air-conditioning and air disinfection device, install a 10 square meter area of ?30W UV lamp in a non-standard working hours for air disinfection, 2 times a day, every 60min, operating table, chairs with disinfectant wipe, strict aseptic techniques; dispensing syringe so that a one-time use, infusion a tourniquet when one person, one with a disinfectant equipment, dealing with a number of consecutive patients wash their hands after timely treatment when the next patient, equipped with rescue equipment, oxygen equipment and emergency drugs, and let someone management, regular inspections, to add. 2.2 to improve the quality of staff For new staff nurses with mentor one on one teaching to meet the infusion room care. Level of management required by the nursi
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