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1Analysis of corporate marketing strategic management thinking in the new situationFree papers Download Center News: the characteristics of a new situation and its requirements for corporate marketing strategic management thinking With the deepening of trade and economic relations between the countries, world production, supply system gradually integrate and combine reduced to areas of the Red Sea to the theme of price competition means more and more market industries and enterprises, which also makes the marketing campaign and its marketing the significance and role of strategic management for the survival and development of enterprises have become increasingly prominent, according to surveys, the average global enterprise marketing spending their marketing strategy management expenses in 2009 is 12 times that of 2000, in which the average annual growth of nearly 15.7%, marketing management of strategy and marketing strategy for the improvement of enterprise competitiveness in the market and the economic benefits of improved contribution rate of more than 19.7%, living 2in the forefront of the contributor of the new economic situation and the new market microstructure macroeconomic environment and marketing strategy for enterprise management thinking put forward new demands and changing market demand and product homogeneity serious enterprises the rapid development of of differentiated marketing emphasis on enterprise and unique concept, value and core interests, the Internet and e-commerce popularization requirements enterprise-based network of low-cost, flexible management fast track approach marketing, promotion and application of a wide variety of retail terminal requires enterprises to co-ordinate marketing terminal construction planning. competition between the enterprise and marketing between individual enterprises contest to supply chain alliance transfer, corporate marketing strategy management attention to the power of integration and match coordination between members of the supply chain, to obtain the overall synergies. Corporate marketing strategic management thinking of the status quo, there are problems and their causes analysis 3Marketing activities associated with the production and operation activities expand and expand, and enterprises to develop, however conscious purpose plan relatively late by the co-ordinating marketing activities, strategic management for marketing activities rely more Research. Chinese enterprises to carry out the marketing strategy managements accession to the WTO in 2001 after massive popularity and extensive market difficulties caused by the financial crisis in 2008. Chinese enterprises to carry out marketing for the 2003 - 2010 strategic management of the situation, there are some problems, mainly in the following aspects. enterprises in marketing, strategic management practice and thinking not effective differentiation strategy and action to implement it, and in the method behavior measures performance inadequate, resulting in the enterprises and products or services are unable to achieve significant difference competitors and different show, according to a survey of 20 kinds of commodities, these commodities in 80% of the two product types are targeting target customer group similarity and similar interval is very crowded, the enterprise based on differentiated marketing strategy of 4investment in the period 2005 - 2010 the average total less than 7.8% of its average sales in the same period in developed countries in Europe and the United States corporate indicators value of 14.9%, In addition, our corporate marketing differentiation annual investment in the growth rate less than 3.7% of the period, and businesses that period the average sales growth rate of 20.3% is a far cry from the other means of differentiated mainly in products on, the survey shows 76.9% difference in the means and methods around the product, making the differentiation program methods and measures to implement the effect is limited, and its average input-output only 1:2.3, far less than abroad, the indicators The average level of more than 1:5.8. Second, lack of special consideration based on modern IT technology, e-commerce marketing practices and marketing strategies and their status in the marketing strategy of the enterprise management practice and thinking, and e-commerce network marketing personalized marketing and cost advantage is not really get to play, or that its level of play is not enough. development of e-commerce and business 5marketing strategy means greatly changed the strategic management of corporate marketing content their way, according to a 278 for our use of e-commerce network marketing business survey statistics show that marketing links and content to the e-commerce network marketing transplant rate is less than 47.3%, and has been ported business content from its effect is not satisfactory. data indicate that before and after transplantatio
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