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1Analysis of cost accounting methods to improve teachingSummary of cost accounting is essential to the university required course of the accounting profession, with financial accounting, management accounting go hand in hand, is a very systematic, theoretical system of complex professional foundation courses. Modern economic development of the enterprise accounting put forward new demands, while cost accounting curriculum has also raised new challenges, this combined with his years of teaching experience, teaching cost accounting for the current status, problems analysis and the corresponding reform measures, to improve the quality of the curriculum, and strengthen the abilities of students, to develop a modern enterprise application-based cost accounting personnel. Keywords cost accounting measures for improvement of teaching methods Contemporary economic development of the enterprises internal management of the new 2requirements and challenges, strengthen cost management is an important internal management to pursue objectives, therefore, for the enterprise to develop application-oriented cost accounting professionals is particularly important cost accounting is the accounting discipline system is one of the main courses, professional courses of university accounting an important part of it very systematic, the methodology is relatively complex and has a strong practical application, is a set of knowledge and skills as one of the highly specialized course, his years of teaching practice has shown that traditional cost accounting methods have been unable to meet the teaching content and the cost of modern business management needs, in order to develop and strengthen the abilities of students, providing companies applied accounting personnel, improve teaching quality, cost Accounting existing teaching model must be reformed. The school is now combined with the cost accounting teaching status and problems, to talk about some of their own plain view. First, the cost of the common problems of 3accounting education Cost accounting is a set of knowledge and skills as one of the practical, strong discipline, and now most of the colleges and universities are teaching content-based cost accounting to industrial enterprises, teachers are in the process of teaching materials based mainly, though will spend a lot of time before class to find information carefully preparing lessons and teaching materials will focus on the content of patient and meticulous explanations one by one, but often the results are unsatisfactory teaching, the teaching process would often not enthusiastic about learning, school fall asleep, lectures impatient, and although some students better grasp of book knowledge but the actual work situation is still not operating. The reason for the current cost accounting or teaching in some problems: (A) old-fashioned teaching methods of cost accounting Most colleges and universities now cost accounting teaching examination-oriented education still can not break through the shackles of traditional teaching methods are also the indoctrination teaching, whether teaching or multimedia teaching writing on the blackboard, just to the type of teaching 4materials as the basis for the examination requirement important and difficult to master knowledge of the book to explain, although the teacher will teach due diligence, patience and careful explanations, and with many examples, but the classroom time is limited, a short time requires students to understand and master the content is very difficult one thing, but very difficult to have an immersive experience of students, they can only be a mechanical examination of the important and difficult recorded for examinations only. Most of todays students enter the school from school, do not understand the production of industrial enterprises, and cost accounting is the accounting industry in different environments, such as cost accounting to production costs of industrial enterprises by economic use is divided into different the cost of the project, according to the different production process to select a different cost accounting methods, which have no practical experience of students, more abstract, difficult to understand, so gradually the enthusiasm of students is not high, just to cope with exam rote. Imagine, this mode of education to train students how to adapt to the modern enterprise 5cost management requirements. (B) the cost accounting teaching materials out of touch with reality The rapid development of modern economic enterprises internal management of the new demands and challenges, technological advances and information systems development and management of the enterprises production has undergone important changes, the content of corporate cost accounting and cost management also will be undergone expansion and innovation, while the majority of colleges and universities currently used cost accounting textbook content i
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