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1Analysis of cross-cultural advertising communication marketing strategy in the cultureAbstract: Cross-cultural advertising communication and cultural environment in the audience to succeed, the key is to adopt a flexible culturally appropriate marketing strategies. This paper analyzes the cultural essence of marketing, advertising and cross-cultural communication and cultural products in the marketing strategy, marketing strategy, brand culture, marketing strategy and corporate culture were analyzed. Paper Keywords: cross-cultural marketing, cultural marketing strategy advertising culture Cross-cultural advertising communication is involved in different countries or regions with different ethnic and cultural differences in the dissemination of advertising and cultural activities. Cross-cultural advertising communication is the essence of the cultural environment in different cross-cultural communication activities. Cultural environment including the impact of a 2societys basic values, attitudes, preferences and behavior of customs and other factors. Cross-cultural advertising success depends not only have strategic significance in the global advertising theme but also to adapt to different cultural contexts and audience market localization, because in some sense, the ad is actually built on the outside of a particular cultural background appeared, advertising is essentially a culture, a modern society, mass popular culture propagation effects of advertising AIDA model theory: effective advertising first to cause the audience attention, so that they remain interested in the advertising message, thereby causing their desire to buy, and finally encourage them to buy action caused the failure of many advertising AIDA effect, resulting in waste, the reason is that advertisers and their copy to ignore: the advertising is not just a simple marketing practices, it is also a complex and subtle cultural behavior , with social ideology, customs, cultural prejudices and values ?are inextricably linked. Guyu to AIDA effect, shall be appropriate to adopt a flexible cross-cultural marketing strategies. 3A real cultural marketing Market is not only an economic phenomenon. Also a cultural phenomenon, not only to marketing material for products to meet the requirements, but also to satisfy the aesthetic requirements of consumers, the value of identity, social recognition and cultural needs to consider not only goods, services, material value, but also to focus their emotional, aesthetic, symbolic, symbols and other cultural values. culture due to the rise of marketing: product homogeneity. modern technology and fierce competition in the market, making the performance very close to similar products, consumers their performance on the distinction between less and less sense when the competition in technology, cost, quality, service and other hard material factors have a major breakthrough. A non-material factors - culture, on the introduction of competition. Concept of consumer spending changes. Marketing is to meet peoples needs Maslows hierarchy of needs theory tells us that there are many levels of demand. With economic development, peoples basic physiological needs are largely met. Psychological needs have significantly increased the 4proportion of such high levels of demand, mostly a reflection of a cultural component. Second, the cultural Analysis of marketing strategy Marketing is conscious culture through the discovery, screening, training, or create some kind of core values ?to achieve the business objectives of a marketing and therefore can be said that cultural values ?are the foundation of marketing, and core values ?to build a culture of marketing key, and only by finding the value of the customer base and to identify and develop or adapt to business needs, efforts to create the core values, will enable successful sales culture Cross-cultural advertising in the marketing strategy embodied in the cultural products and cultural marketing strategy, brand culture, marketing strategy, corporate culture, marketing strategy. Culture of cross-cultural advertising product marketing strategies. The product of cultural marketing strategy is to focus on creativity in advertising and the role of cultural significance. Concepts of cultural 5packaging. Emphasis on culture-oriented. Focus on the product and the external form of aesthetic perception of the image caused by the increase in consumer interest. While highlighting the products logo and personalized where culture is the product available to the market, people select, use, or consumption of a desire or need to meet people of all entities and values ?of expression. Colgate United States produced by Colgate toothpaste, for example. In order to cater to Chinese consumer psychology. Cleverly the English name Colgate Translation as Colgate, the theme also clear the name of good luck, so that consumers may think that this is a
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