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1Analysis of high school on mental health education classes: problems causes and suggestedAbstract: Mental health education activities in schools, mental health education classes are an important means of improving the quality of its students mental and psychological quality play an invaluable role in enhancing student interest in courses on the psychology of other disciplines beyond love, but the psychological lessons are activity classes begin the process of the classroom, there are still many problems in this paper on the psychological problems in the classroom cause analysis, and then propose solutions to the recommendations. Paper Keywords: mental health education activities, lessons, problems, causes; recommended First, mental health problems in education classes 1 Activities: too much experience not deep In order to active classroom atmosphere, psychological content in the classroom teachers usually add a number of 2interesting activities. As students in the activity can ease the pressure a bit, relax mood, enthusiasm for learning significantly high, significantly increased classroom participation, but high-pitched emotions of students only stay in the fun of the activity itself, and not experience the true meaning and purpose of the event, less than the value of sentiment, and thus can not wake the subject matter of thinking the students in the classroom, teachers often encounter psychological situation: an activity, let students talk about their feelings or experience of the activities, they are generally only a few words to answer a simple teacher, and only understand the significance of the surface activity, and not according to their own experience or experience, to say some deep stuff. activity experience is not deep, the classroom is difficult to guarantee the long-term effects. 2 Discussion: heat and away from the subject High school students already have strong language skills, also has a certain amount of knowledge, classroom discussion more in line with their age characteristics. Mental activity class students of the subject, initiative, 3autonomy reflects the more obvious, is to guide teachers in primary, So strong student participation. the classroom, become an essential part of the discussion session, usually group cooperation. some schools teaching practice Dulangkou mode, which is more conducive to carrying out activities in class, group discussion easier. It is because of this convenient place, class discussion students chatting has become a good time, on the surface, the students really are talking about, listen closely, but away from the classroom theme. 3 Atmosphere: too impatient and difficult to control High school, a heavier burden on our students, the negative emotions caused by the test is very common, interpersonal and emotional problems many students eager to increase psychological lesson, therefore, one on the psychology class, the students hands and cheering, completely relaxed body and mind in the classroom, the students have full freedom to speak their minds, can express their views, you can laugh a timely manner, students in the classroom performance of particularly active, we all took the floor to express their views, eager 4to express their thoughts and feelings. This open classroom students often lead to the sound of laughter and booing, the atmosphere is exceptionally warm, at the moment no matter how high the voice of teachers to contend with, to no avail, a sudden and devastating sense of powerlessness to control the classroom . 4 Order: too independent and somewhat confusing Psychology class, ask students through participation in activities to experience the nature of activities to gain spiritual growth. This comprehensive, whole, whole body in a classroom full of students are independent, but some students think that autonomy is the speech and behavior full freedom, resulting in the classroom do not listen to others speak, or interrupted in his speech of others, or requiring co-ordination in the desert. There are students in the classroom walk around with slapstick, making classroom discipline seems a bit confused. 5 results: significant at the microscopic surface of a long-term Psychology classes usually attract students 5actively involved in the classroom, threw himself to participate in activities and discussions, and ended in laughter, the students gained a sense of pleasure in spirit and satisfaction, but the students do not experience the profound activities, classroom discipline less orderly, happy perhaps only temporary relief, the effect may be limited to the classroom a short period of time, over a period of time, the students have long been forgotten, classroom microscopic long-term effects. Second, mental health education classes the causes The classroom is the teacher-student interaction in place, teachers and students are the main classroom, classroom quality is good or bad depends on the effect of interaction
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