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1Analysis of highway project cost managementAbstract: This article from the perspective of highway construction, highway construction costs remain high for the actual situation, from the preparatory work of project management, budgeting and after the standard control, project management responsibility for the implementation of the management of labor force, raw materials cost control, single vehicle and equipment management accounting systems to ensure project quality, pay close attention to the progress of works to ensure public safety, etc. to talk about some of the experiences and views of the project cost control measures and methods for peer reference. Keywords: cost control; cost management No profit enterprises can not survive and develop, mainly as a road construction industry, construction business, enhance the management of the project cost and the pursuit of profit maximization is to obtain a source of investments in our infrastructure as the country 2stepped up and the western development policy implementation. highway construction market ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development, but the competition is fierce and even day-by-cruel, Inner Mongolia in recent years as the market continues to expand highway construction, highway construction is now well-known domestic enterprises all poured into Inner Mongolia, almost all highway construction market in recent years, the owners of units on the quality of the project, civil construction and increasing demands, the project cost management in a more severe environment, the cost management of construction enterprises have become the decision of whether competition in the market to gain a firm footing, whether long-term positive cycle the key, much of the attention and interest of construction companies in project management, project manager should always project cost management as the most critical and most important content of the work to develop and implement a series of strict cost management and system, strive to make cost management standardization, institutionalization and standardization. explore an effective way. now the project 3cost management practices and ideas are described below, for colleagues to explore. A standard implementation of the project cost breakdown, and after the construction work of the project budget bid, the group company, the project management department three technical staff should be organized to conduct a detailed breakdown of project costs and the mark after the budget, so that the hearts bottom. Management fees may be so based on site conditions go up or down according to, to make a scientific, fair, and not all across the board regardless of what works, so that losses had known and most profitable, the cost of the project management of quantifiable targets, and signed with the project department cost control protocol. 2 the development of cost management measures necessary to implement the project cost control responsibility to make the project cost effective, project department to develop project cost management. Cost management approach should include the following: 4labor and employment measures, project billing methods, etc. to achieve settlement based on full, there are rules to be investigated to eliminate the arbitrary settlement happen, settled by the on-site technical staff when the workload identified by the project technical and project leader is responsible for quality control review, after review by the contract staff of measurement statements, financial logistics staff keep a close watch to sign the final settlement of the project manager to complete the work signed by the project manager is primarily responsible for project cost control, the project department should set up a project manager for the head, Deputy Project Manager, project technical, quality, deputy head of the person responsible for the cost of control group members responsible for the face and the department heads and department heads Kam and technicians provide cost management contract These include: the construction contract cost management segment, logistics cost management contract, the contract cost management office, local transportation cost management contract, management contract cost of materials, financial cost management contract, the 5project cost down to every level of responsibility to people, so people head on the cost the project cost management into the Department of the staff appraisal management, so that each employee can consciously control costs, austerity and pro-active efforts to create favorable economic, to achieve full cost of full management control system. 3 during the construction of strict cost control, cost management will be extended to reach every area of ?project and process. 3.1 to strengthen the management of the labor force entering the labor force strictly off first, before entering the ranks of human labor, machinery and technical capacity to rigorous evaluation
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