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1Analysis of modern distance education technology and technical route choice modelsKeywords: modern distance education, technology model, technical routing Abstract blue certificate training project was carried out for Chinas rural surplus labor transfer, rural training since the start of 2004, the provinces have gradually began to be implemented. Blue certificate training carried out in rural areas rely on pre-modern distance education to build a public platform, the use of modern distance education in rural areas out of the integrated technology to explore the path is towards the intended goal of training ahead. First, the modern distance education technology models and features Mode of distance learning technologies are optical discs (CD-ROM), Internet (INTERNET), the satellite classroom three. 2CD-ROM is used to store the audio, video, text, animation and other multimedia courseware composition of storage media, it acts like a phase of extensive use of correspondence education tape, but tape increased the vivid and intuitive than the visual information CD-ROM characterized by large memory capacity, low cost, portable, ready to use. Use of the Internet is mainly used in distance learning technology VOD, E-MAIL, BBS, ICQ (IM), Netmeeting new to video conferencing as well as a variety of network blog (Blog), such as expert blog (Pundit), audio and video blog ( Audio-videoblog) and so on. Including VOD (video on demand) technology is the main form of distance learning network, which consists of teaching resources and providers will compress the video signal of courseware for the Internet transmission of streaming media formats (such as RealMedia, WindowsMedia, NetShowASF, MPEG-1 and QuickTime, etc.), store it in a site-specific server, learners may at any time, by WindoWSMediaPlayer, RealPlayer and QuickTime demand the courseware. 3Shi Internet for distance education as to network, which is characterized by large amount of information, interactive, content refresh quickly, without the constraints of time, because of its combination of free online resources to allow learners to construct their own knowledge , thus requiring the learner must have a strong consciousness and self-learning ability. the Internet by the more limited network bandwidth, you can not set a larger video window. The classroom is the use of satellites hundreds of miles above the ground with the geosynchronous satellites running, Record of the teaching process, together with lesson plans for classroom activities synthesis, compression of digital signals to radio waves radiating it in a different location within the target time to continuously transmit the necessary educational resources to the client using the appropriate satellite receiving equipment (ground station) synchronous receiver, so as to achieve the purpose of distance learning and the effect of the satellite classroom is also 4called Skynet, the advantage of large capacity communication , transmission of high quality, receive low-cost, highly reproducible and easy to create economies of scale, so it is suitable for the Internet developed areas, is inadequate for the purchase of technical equipment and satellite channel large upfront investment. currently carrying out practical time management training operators Guanghua, and Jun start in the country to establish a satellite classroom training network has more than 300 remote satellite classroom training per year income up more than 10 million, the international satellite-based distance education in the country to carry out a lot, especially India, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and other developing countries with large populations, according to reports, the number of illiterates in India 35% of the total population, if you want universal education, India needs to build 10,000 new schools, while in the traditional way to teachers in these schools would be impossible. illiteracy in remote areas in order to provide educational opportunities, the Indian government in 2004 launched the worlds first educational satellite EDUSAT, it will be used exclusively as 5distance education, is the worlds first satellites dedicated satellite for distance education. Second, the technology of modern distance education path selection Modern distance education is computer network communication technology, the product of highly developed, is the perfect combination of technology and education in remote and non-academic training, academic education, practice and exploration, the CD-ROM, Internet, satellite classroom is not the path of these three techniques used alone , but the combined use of different emphases. (A) the distance education education teaching model is a face to face + CD manner, the Internet is used to provide handouts, Tutor, operation and testing of this technique is the choice of the path with Chinese characteristics, it is with our conditions, a national study habits and adapt the
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