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1Analysis of professional teaching staff of vocational training college students to professional quality impact analysis of network _ _ behalf of the thesisWrite papers Net: Paper Keywords the quality of teacher professional students in vocational colleges Abstract professional quality higher education is an important part of vocational education, vocational training professional quality of teachers is the main body of students. In this paper, the quality of vocational training institutions need to carry out professional analysis, based on the combination of the Vocational School school teachers in the students the role of professional quality training in the analysis, discusses how to improve the professional quality of teachers, faculty professional development, thereby contributing to the improvement of vocational students and to enhance the professional quality. Is a professional quality of employees has engaged in specific occupations associated with, play a key role of the professional activities of the inherent quality and 2capacity. Professional quality factors including occupational status in addition to the direct requirements of the professional knowledge and practical ability, should also include career aspirations, career ethics, professional industry where the industry perspective, perceived competence, ways of thinking and behavior, and better professional intelligence and innovation potential so the face of increasingly fierce competition for talent, increasingly severe employment situation, attention to students in vocational colleges professional knowledge and skills development, based on the professional quality of students should be more emphasis on cultivation of education, which is to improve students employability and sustainable development of the decisive factors. A vocational training institutions need to carry out professional quality Vocational training for students to engage in professional quality vocational college students to develop not only an important meaning, but also the quality of vocational education institutions to enhance an important way, it is 3highlighting the characteristics of vocational education, vocational education play a role in promoting student self- the inherent requirements of the development. 1.1 Vocational education and training objectives decision of higher vocational education training goal is to have a high theoretical level and strong technical development capabilities, to learn and use high-tech knowledge, creative solutions to production and operation and management of the practical problems, skilled mastered a particular vocational and technical, with good advanced applications of professional quality technical and managerial personnel. The training goal determines the goal of vocational education institutions should be located in the vocational skills training, career development of students as the core, students the basic professional skills and capacity to become the new century, Chinas economic and social development of important new force. 1.2 Vocational development. Vocational college students professional quality training is a necessary 4attribute of higher vocational education requirements, but also the vocational schools of their own development needs of the development of modern production, requiring a new type of vocational training institutions workers to meet the needs of social development, they should have a strong competence, adaptability and resilience, and teamwork, creative problem-solving abilities, etc. Only in this way, higher vocational colleges is possible to survive, sustain development, otherwise the students to develop professional quality is not high, can not meet the social development, employment rate, it will seriously affect the reputation of the school, the schools development will be affected. 1.3 Vocational students in their own development needs. Vocational college students professional quality training is vocational students to adapt to job requirements, and other types and levels of employment and higher education students in the development of dislocation intrinsic needs. The most professional quality vocational students reflect and embody the vocational education and training of 5students intrinsic feature of higher education are different from other important aspects of personnel training and only by strengthening the quality of students in vocational education and training, to enhance students professional quality standards, in order to achieve higher vocational colleges graduates and other graduates in employment dislocation competition, in order to meet the vocational college students self-realization and self-development within the requirements. 2 students in vocational schools teachers in the role of professional quality training in Vocational training teachers in the professional quality of students has an important role. Teachers are collaborators, those who guid
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