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1Analysis of teaching high school history and reality combinePaper Keywords: History classroom reality Abstract: teaching high school history to do with the combination of reality, we must clear teaching high school history with meaning and reality in the implementation of the method, so that teaching the language to life, teaching methods lives. The traditional concept of education as high school history teaching, teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching evaluation and limitations and serious deviation from the student life, spoon, Tangguan, scripted common occurrences, so that would have become dull living history, students can only hope that history sigh. build a life of classroom teaching, the teaching of history and real life high school integration, the new high school curriculum reform, the basic direction of development of the teaching of history is one of the times. In this regard, The author carried out in high school history teaching some useful exploration. 2A high school history teaching in real life with meaning 1 is conducive to reflect the value of the discipline of history High school history teaching should reflect and humanistic education ideology, that high school students to the teaching of history should be more nurturing the human spirit and value of rational enlightenment, the only way to truly reflect the value of the discipline of history, causing students resonance. However, due to long and humanistic education, quality education, contrary to high school history teaching has been in an awkward position, students interested in history do not like history class, history class boring, low status of the discipline of history, which of course there are many subjective and objective factors However, the main source of the problem is limited to teaching the history of the historic imparting knowledge, away from the real life world of students, from the humanistic spirit of education. I believe that only the high school history teaching and the integration of real-life in order to inject fresh blood of history, so history live together, they could lead to the 3enthusiasm of students, in order to guide students to understand and analyze historical problems into knowledge, analyze and solve practical problems, in order to allow students to stand In reality, to reflect the perspective of history, lessons learned, learning from history. history teaching only rooted in the student life position, contact real life, can cause students to resonate, to understand their relations with the world, awaken the consciousness of students , so that students get to enhance the overall value of life. visible, real-life history teaching and the integration with the new curriculum reform advocated by the education world back to life concept, to train students of initiative, innovation, and raise their overall ability and human qualities, is to promote the reform of the current high school history curriculum and effective methods. (2) help establish a new educational concept 21st century education is the core of people-oriented, the life and future of education is wholeheartedly to students as a starting point and end point, so that all students, for all students, for students in all, history 4disciplines, especially, to achieve high school history teaching life will help establish the concept in line with the educational development of students. Education for students of all activities in the final analysis is the development of focus on teaching students to develop the concept, should be concerned about the students knowledge and ability, the learning process and methods, attitudes and values, not just to remember the history of the time, place, person , events, appear to back the conclusions in the high school history teaching, we should actively promote the active participation of students, students explore, analyze, and integration capabilities, teach students the practical skills into the social life, the future of life for students and lay a solid foundation. the required emotional attitudes and values of the target, clearly pointed out: to make students learn more about the history of people-oriented, to treat life, concerned about the fate of mankinds understanding of humanism. also stressed the need to establish a focus on the development of 5student life, teaching values, because the teaching should be a human life based on the development of teaching, it is respect for life, care for life, to expand life, improve life, contains a high value of life and sense, is an ultimate concern of life. high school history teacher with such a teaching philosophy, teaching will focus on student life experience and existing knowledge accumulation, the history of teaching and student life and development of life linked better promote student growth. Second, the high school history teaching combined with real-li
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