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1Communication to create valueThe ability to communicate is a modern enterprise requirements. Progress of modern society and the development of science and technology, and requires that each outstanding members of society must have strong communication skills, the ability of the marketing people because as a single person has been impossible to like as independently to complete any work or research topics of social significance. SGI, as operator Computer Technology Co., Ltd. Human Resources Manager Cao Guangrong also said: “You have to let others know you, you have to understand others. lubricant is a very common substance, but in terms of the company if it is missing, the worlds design of how well the machine can not operate normally., communication is also important. everyone has a different cultural background, has its own social experience, and their own abilities, their own personality and different ways of doing things, which requires you to communicate with others, the ability of each of us are limited. need others to provide support and help to do anything. how to make 2others know your thoughts, your difficulties and would be happy to help you, same needs your communication skills. “ Communication is a major part of our work, which is an essential part of the things we have done. Fact, most of us spend 50% to 75% of the time, in writing, face-to-face in the form of the form or call communication exchange 80% based on said form. 1, communication needs self-confidence. Lack of self-confidence, communication must be a failure of communication, confident but not arrogant. When you need others to communicate, you must first think of the personality of the two sides is parallel to the despite the other positions may be relatively high, powers than you are big, you likely will be subject to “people dissatisfied with the light” of the treatment, but you must give yourself there is a positive health positioning, that is, “we are equal, like your job, you have to figure out this is not” ask for help “, say” seeking “is both cross-seeking”, and the other requires talent, and you need to a career of their expertise to play. confident people will inevitably bring confidence to the enterprise in the information society, companies need to communicate to 3the talent. Need to be reminded that, when people began to practice self-confidence, often overdone, and thus became combative as if they were newly developed ability to get carried away mind, eagerly expressed their point of view, even forget the others also have the right to express their point of view the best way to grasp the self-confidence skills is among the practice in some of the people close to you, so that when your behavior across the border steering combative, they will remind you. confident person with Start transmit information using “In my opinion, I think I need to, I do”, their statement is simple and straightforward. they use the recommendations from do not advise, command, and “should”, they care about others proposed constructive comments, do not scold, assuming they relaxed, flexible, cheerful, confident, receptive to the views of others. typical characteristics of these exchanges confident people. 2, communication can be tricky. Communication skills is one of psychology to master the law of reciprocal relations: that you are friendly to me, I am also friendly to you, if you are unfriendly, I treat you as friendly as possible. REAP WHAT WE SOW sown, you 4rude to others, others you rude, you polite to others, others you politely that you respect others, others respect you. behavior breeds behavior. Communication skills to do God into the: God into a person is able to look at each others position to address the problem, but that does not mean you have to agree with each others point of view, in fact, you might totally disagree from each others perspective, but you can understand, to a certain extent, it can help us reduce the kind of resistance and defense exchanges psychological help each other to listen to what we want to say. communication skills contradictions and conflicts, to find common ground. successful managers believe that the most important communication skills, conflict resolution skills, especially the conflict between two or more groups are satisfied with the ability to handle conflicts and joint problem solving methods. 3, the fatal fault in the communication. Communicate in one of the fatal fault performance in any evaluation of others when we make a positive or negative judgment of another person, which implies that we think that in a way, we are more than they “say” you “, the other is not from you,” in 5recognition of “happy. If you say “this is really bad!” That almost put an end to its further communication. Fault and the second is not appropriate inquiries and people do not like the feeling of questioning or examination. Ask open-ended questions that require a complete answer eithe
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