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1On the court debating skills and strainThe abstract article based on indictment practical experience, specific exposition and summary of the court debate on the need to pay attention of coping, language, feelings, body language, and outlines a “contingency wind words such as forest, fiery passion, does not move like a mountain “skills. Paper Keywords court debate skills prosecutor Debate, since ancient times, there can be said, as long as there are differences between the two people, it will produce psychological wanted to convince the other party, it will generate debate. Interpretation of the the Modern Chinese Dictionary, debate one another with some reason to explain their view of things or issues, and to expose the contradictions of each other, in order to finally get a correct understanding or common opinions to appear in court charged with criminal offenses, the prosecutor, contact the court debate. Court debate is the aspect of a litigation and 2procedures provided by the Criminal Procedure Law, a special part in the criminal proceedings, to participate in the debate, both sides of the debate must be conducted under the auspices of the presiding judge, this remarkable characteristics determine the general debate or debating competitions are essentially different. prosecutor involved in the court debate on behalf of the country, to attend court and a litigation behavior, which requires law Introduction French used properly, and the debate competition, by its very nature is a competitive game. therefore put more emphasis on the vivid language and humor. analogy, normalized absurd as well as limit the derivation may be the use of a large number of this court is not so suitable In addition, the debate competition because of its competitive nature of the speaking time has strict requirements, but the court debate focused on establishing the truth, the strict limits of time and will not do. difference on the addition to the title stand distinction. debate competition cognitive, and skills to master on the debate competition, can not be applied directly in the court debate. court debate has its own laws, it is essentially the serious litigation activities, 3not the nature of the game athletic competition, debate competition, we can avoid each other the problem can be sophistry can even deliberate distortion of the others arguments, but in court, we should uphold the prosecutor objective and fair stance with facts and evidence to expose the crime the court debate to be successful, the first premise is review whether seriously cases, meticulous, whether the prosecutors legal theory level and indictable Practice excellent debating skills and adaptability can be the icing on the cake, but not overwhelming. Otherwise, you lose the debate on the significance of the court. Some people say, indictable seats a battle since the war, we should talk about the art of war, speaking strategy. For the operational requirements of the army is “swift as the wind, its Hsu Ju-lin, invaders like fire, fixed as a mountain, I think the court debating skills and strain can be summarized as Wind forest volcano words, specifically: strain such as wind, words such as forest, fiery passion, such as moving a mountain. 4A strain like the wind - fast properly respond to Strain the wind, is the face of the opinion of the defendant, defense counsel, to be responsive and debate ideas more flowering positive argument difficult to change ideas, good at hiding their true intent to do so accused defender unpredictable, so the defendant, defense counsel exposed contradictions. court debate, the majority of the public prosecutor as the representatives of the countrys image, if the face of the accused in court, the defender did not dare respond or not respond, then that prosecutors unable to respond to the problem, and the trial is compromised, it will make the collegiate bench and sit in the masses in our country, the court debate yet unlike the common law system, as directly determines the final judgment in one case, but in online media increasingly developed, but also likely to cause unnecessary stress and distress experienced prosecutor, neither not respond to each others problems, not the other asked what A what, but will be based on the other issues raised , quick thinking and choose the best answer. general court debate prosecutor response methods include: direct answer, circuitous 5answer, homeopathy A occasion to answer. Defendant Han Moumou, Yin Moumou four. Example, theft, robbery case, the case in the process of investigation and prosecution, the prosecutor interrogate the defendant, the public security organs may be suspected of forced confessions of the accused Yin Moumou, in the clue transfer of malfeasance prosecuting authorities at the same time, also in accordance with the law to exclude the defendant Yin Moumou confession. debate in court, defense counsel asked the defendant Yin Mo
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