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1On the different grades of differences in the way students social practice researchPaper Keywords students practical differences in the way different grades Abstract Since the commencement of students social practice has been widely recognized by universities and society, and the students have also benefited expressed in social practice, however, the different grades of the students in the choice of practical differences in the way this end paper in the finishing of Zhejiang Normal University Students in all grades questionnaire and interviews, based on the same access to relevant literature, a number of recommendations. First, the purpose of the survey students social practice in various forms, for different purposes, all grades students through research different ways to participate in social practice, tend to compare students from different grades of difference in social practice, analysis of different grades students carrying out the reasons for different social practices, thus for different 2grades of the students make relevant recommendations, correctly guide all grades suitable for students to participate and to exercise their social practice, enrich students social practice in the form of improving the level of students social practice. Second, the results of the questionnaire survey data analysis available in the selected practice content, 65.35% of low-grade students interested in selected areas, and the choice of only 34.65% professional know therefore lower grades in the selected practice topic, tend to be more concerned about their own interest aspects. contrast, high school students, in practice, there are 58.68% of the contents of the students prefer professional, while 41.32% of the students are biased in favor of interest can be seen that high school students in practice The selection of topics is more concerned about professional aspects. seen, different grades of students in the social practice of professional relevance has differences, and with the higher grades, the students selected for the practical content of interest to progressively from their own professional transition. 3Third, the results cause analysis (a necessity to participate in social practice. Attitude of college students practice the difference is caused by one of the reasons practical way, and we college students through a questionnaire survey on the attitude of social practice, the results are as follows: the vast majority students think that college students participate in social practice is necessary, to exercise personal ability, but exercise personal ability point of departure in the high and low grades in which there are different, low-grade students pay more attention to their hobbies development, and high school students are more focused on professional skills exercise. (two conditions required to participate in social practice and our survey data: the student population in general that “experience” is more important, accounting for 24.34 percent higher grades, much higher than the proportion of low-grade 19.23%, followed by “ Professional quality “, the high proportion of 25.12 percent year groups, low grade only 17.78%, while for the” active participation degree “, low-grade classmates to 24.41% is much higher than the 4proportion of high-grade 12.48%. seen, high Grade groups pay more attention to professional quality training and experience accumulation, while low grade students have greater positive social practice. (3 social practice harvest. Freshmen level in the social practice has its own harvest, which have a more significant difference is “professional need to exercise” this option. high school students that need to exercise professional accounted for 25.19%, while the lower grades are accounted for only 4.23% can be seen that high school students focus more on the lower grades students get in social practice professional skills training, to obtain the accumulation of experience, which is about to enter college and high school society, faced with enormous pressure on employment are closely linked. Accordingly, the level of social practice due Freshmen harvest will affect their social practice different ways selection. Links to free download http:/eng.hi138.comFourth, on the improvement of students social practice different grades of recommendation (one from a personal perspective of students from different grades of low grade students can depart from personal interests 5and hobbies, try the extensive types of work, a clear direction for future jobs, but at the same time pay attention to diversity should also be noted that the activities planned. high school students should pay attention to the content of specific practices, clear goals, content in social practice arrangements, both ideological and practical for students to learn the expertise and professionalism, but also for the social development needs and local characteristics, two aspects considered together to enha
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