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1On the Information Management and Information Systems ERP curriculum reform analysis _ writing papers networkWrite papers network: paper Keywords: information management and information systems professional ERP courses teaching reform Abstract: At present, the social demand for talent from the former single converted to compound, Information Management and Information System which ERP is the main course of information management and information systems, but also a guiding information management information systems analysis course, and highly practical. This paper presents the ERP courses for the professional “reasonable system, forms, content, infiltration, characteristics training base, multiple forms of assessment, teaching mode, and from The ERP of the professional teaching system, teaching methods, training mode, assessment methods were studied in detail and summarize. I. Introduction Into the era of knowledge economy with the 2establishment and development of the growing socialist market economic system, the pace faster and faster, the information is the rapid tendency to penetrate into all walks of life. Social demand for talent is converted from the former single compound. To this end, the Ministry of Education in 1998 during the adjustment of colleges and universities undergraduate scientific and technical information, economic information management, information science, management information systems, five of the forestry information management professional integration of information management and information systems professional. This measure is an important reform initiatives in China in the process of information construction in the field of education and training suited to Chinas information technology needs of wide caliber, thick foundation, high-quality talent has far-reaching significance. Information Management and Information Systems has the characteristics of the mutual penetration of management and IT, It is different from a computer professional and different from the management 3expertise, more than computer and management expertise of a large platter, but on the basis of modern management theory, by means of advanced computer tools for information management and information processing disciplines. courses related to computer technology, management and analysis of information processing technology, information systems, economics and management courses require students in the knowledge structure in addition to a solid grasp of Management Science, Economic Science, Computer Science and Technology IT knowledge, but also should have strong systems thinking, knowledge and capabilities of information systems analysis and design methods and information management. Enterprise resource planning (ERP information management and information systems the main course, it is internal and external data integration, ERP integration and business-oriented nature of its strong systemic and practical. Although there are a number of teaching methods such as sand table simulation, process simulation, the teaching of some help, but the survey 4found that 85 percent of the students that the current ERP teaching prevalent fragmented to its systemic as well as teaching cases with true enterprise gap at the same time, the existing mode of teaching is difficult to simultaneously meet the personnel of the ERP application, ERP development personnel and ERP talents, so research and reform of the Information Management and Information Systems, ERP courses necessary. Second, corporate ERP talent requirements ERP is by Gartner Group Inc. consulting and research institutions in the early 1990s to the current business management software indispensable in the country, the majority of companies have adopted and the purchase of ERP products, but also in In the next two years, Chinas ERP software products market will reach 500 billion yuan. International, the global ERP market in the past five years will be years an increase of 37% the speed of development (from the authority of the U.S. market forecasting research institutions AMR Research.2002 the global ERP market revenues of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, by 2010 this figure had increased to more than $ 550 billion, of which the total income of Chinas ERP market reached $ 10 billion now, the market is extremely strong demand for ERP talent, and future five years, a variety of ERP talent gap will be increasing. At present, in the ERP field, the existence of three types of enterprises: software vendors, software agents, consulting service providers, and software application companies. The needs of the three types of enterprises, ERP personnel 1 is divided into three categories: Software R & D Class: This category is to the software company office, engaged in software implementation, and was responsible for software development, testing, and technical support. ERP implementation to maintain class: This category is to the software vendors o
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