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1On the medical diagnosis in general practice teaching reform to exploreAuthor: Zhang Zhongxi Zouping Tan Shan Hu Kunyu Abstract medical schools in teaching diagnostics is still prevalent emphasis on theoretical teaching to the neglect of basic skills training, less students hands-on opportunity, the basic skills to operate non-standard, traditional assessment methods, a single negative to develop students clinical thinking capacity graduates passed the national practitioner qualification test increasingly becoming difficult 1. better, how to practice teaching that equip students to master basic skills faster, optimize teaching, and worth exploring. Keywords: diagnostics practice reform (General medical direction of professional training for clinical undergraduate students after graduation to go to the grass-roots community hospitals and township hospitals work, these medical units do not have sophisticated medical equipment, if not skilled solid 2operating foundation of clinical skills , it is difficult to bear the heavy responsibility of the clinic grass-roots common. Accordingly, since the beginning of 2007, we plan and outline of diagnostic practice teaching were revised and improved, the physical examination with multiple puncture as the focus of reform, through the strengthening of extra-curricular training, active in the Skills Competition, the reform of the skills assessment form and the medical practitioners qualification certificate examination and really train and get to the next, useful, retain, Well done, the application of primary health care workers. Teaching content of a scientific, reasonable arrangements for the experimental class According to the clinical undergraduate (general medical direction perfect Experimental outline, the design of the total hours for about 68 hours, and theory lessons ratio of about 1:1.3. Experimental teaching areas have been identified: (a physical examination class designed for 30 hours. (2 clinical training of 16 hours (three experimental diagnosis of three hours (four ECG 3experiment 7 hours (five medical group discussion 4 hours (6 multiple puncture 8 hours. Focused, focusing on capacity- 2.1 physical examination, operation training is the key to diagnosis of practice teaching, related to the students to master the basic skills of medical experimental course theory class of the corresponding section harmonized arrangements for the experimental groups to a 2-3 man-made and a team to ensure that students training time. Strict teachers of quality, new the teacher Shijiang hospital-level teaching Steering Pingke after passing the order to the podium, each time new content teacher to a unified and standardized practices, and lessons to stay in the laboratory throughout the guide students to practice, and promptly correct the students do not norms of action and more difficult to perceive the error techniques. Abdominal examination after the end of the course, the use of standardized electronic analog (Taiwan / 1) to conduct special training, to increase the image of the practice teaching, and received good teaching effect. 42.2 Theory and clinical practice are closely integrated in the corresponding sections of lectures on end in a timely manner to arrange for students to the hospital for Trainee of the system of common symptoms and signs of the disease groups under the guidance of their teachers, history taking, led teacher for students at the end Trainee Summary of questions and ask students to write the probationary report. In this way, the effective combination of theory and practice, to cultivate and improve the thinking ability of students clinical diagnosis of great benefit. 2.3 of innovative teaching mode, try to carry out the PBL teaching clinical thinking for the training of students diagnostics interest in learning and inspire students, Internal Medicine Department of the teachers design their own cases, history taking, physical examination and laboratory diagnosis knowledge effectively linked together. Teacher when director, when students starring the actual PBL teaching, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, to enhance the learning ability of students, and spoke highly of the 5College teaching supervision. Share Free paper Download Center http:/eng.hi138.com2.4 improve assessment methods, highlight the traditional skills assessment is likely to cause students to ignore the training teaching school in 2007 on the reform of the assessment methods, and to take the assessment methods of the objective structured clinical standards with national practice physician examination (OSCE 2 so that each candidate after history taking and medical history, physical examination, operating skills, ECG, X-ray, lab test to identify and analyze comprehensive evaluation of the multi-station, designed for 100 points, 60 are classified as pass. the reform of the exam the way, not only in the training clas
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