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- 1 -2013年元月醴陵一中、攸县一中、浏阳一中联合考试试题英语Part Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A ( 22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11.Where does the man think he saw the woman?A. At Susans house. B. At the Dove. C. At the Basement.2.What day is it today?A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.Conversation 23.Who will be getting married tomorrow?A. Anna. B. Rachel. C. Joanne.4. When will the speakers go to the reception hall?A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 2:00 p.m. C. At 4:00 p.m.Conversation 35.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.6. What will the boy do next?A. Put some nice clothes on. B. Clean the carpet. C. Wash his clothes.Conversation 47.What are the speakers doing?A.Shopping in a mall.B.Visiting an exhibition about glasses.C.Attending a public sale.8. Who bought the set of plates and glasses at last?A . A woman in blue shirt.B. A gentleman in green hat.C. An old man wearing glasses.9.What was the final price of the set of plates and glasses?A. 1000 dollars. B. 1500 dollars. C. 2000 dollars.Conversation 510.What do we know about Jimmy?A . He was sick this morning. B. He has been delivering newspapers since last year.C. He quit his job earlier this month.11.What did the man forget to do?- 2 -A. Put a stamp on the envelope with his payment.B. Put the payment in the mailbox. C.Sign the check for his payment.12.How might the speakers pay for their paper in the future?A.By calling with their credit card information.B.By going down to the corner store.C.By paying online.Conversation 613.Whats the woman doing?A.Having a job interview. B. Attending a talk show.C.Trying to find a boyfriend. 14.How is the womans present life?A. Her work takes much of her time. B. She goes dating a lot.C. She has to look after her parents every day.15. What quality matters most to the woman?A. Kindness. B. Honesty. C. Good looks.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You will hear the mini-talk TWICECan Animals Be Made to Work for Us?Many different animals can be trained to do simple jobs if they are given 16 for doing them.Dogs 17 for a house or other property.18 A warning system.Pigeons *Used to watch out for faults in 19 .*One pigeon can inspect 3000 to 20 balls in an hour.Apes Used to help make cars.Part Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21.Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy families. A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen22. The number of people who _ exposed to second- hand smoking in public places_ up to 740 million in China.A. is; are B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is23. - Youve got your flat furnished, havent you? - 3 - Yes. I _ some used furniture at the Sunday Market and it was a real bargain.A. will buy B. have bought C. had bought D. bought24. _ the green hills are there , one need not worry about firewood. A. No longer that B. So long thatC. Unless D. As long as25. Standing there _, looking quite scared.A. the homeless girl was B. did the homeless girlC. the homeless girl did D. was the homeless girl26. People gathering at the entrance of the hall refused to leave unless their demands_.A. had been met B. were met C. would be met D. have been met 27. Without discipline and will, your dreams and ambitions would never come to life,_ even the best intentions into dust.A. to turn B. turn C. turning D. having turning28. _ with a sudden job loss, would you consider it a failure, or an opportunity for a new start in your career?A. Facing B. Faced C. To face D. Face29. The development of Chinas economy_ since the 80s of the last century.A. has been accelerating B. had acceleratedC. is accelerating D. accelerated30. It was the belief _ Alex Haley could find his “root” in Afric_ made him decide to go to Gambia.A. that; which B. which; which C.that; where D.that; that31. New surveys suggest that people are more stressed and working longer than ever with technological tools constantly _.A. updating B. updates C. updated D. to update32. The CCTV program, People Who Moved China, honors those_ cont
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