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12010 年 GCT 英语基础班考前辅导语法张丽艳一、 大纲中语法要部分需要掌握的内容:GCT 7年语法考点汇总语法点02 年 03 年 04 年 05 年 06 年 07 年 08 年 09 年从句Whoever的用法Whoever(=no matter who)非限制性定语从句,且从句为被动语态;Wherever 引导地点状语从句such Where 地点状语从句;Of whomever从句中的特殊关系词All that 与what 之间的用法区别强调句倒装句Never 位于句首,主句半倒装虚拟语气1.Suggest的非虚拟用法;2.对过去的虚拟。主句有时间词的虚拟与其构成条件句为过去式,考查主句构成(would+do)but for 引导虚拟语气Should+ have+done 意为:本应该(而没有)语态被动语态(从句中)Need +doing sth 表被动被动语态(08 题)插入语作干扰(第10 题)时态一般过去时主句中包含特殊含义的单词 recall,从句用过去时一般现在时(自然规律)现在进行时(时间词 now作为标志)主句为过去时,宾语从句中的时态为过去完成时。 (08 题)插入语作干扰(第10 题)现在完成时代(since+ 时间点)(for+时间段)主 插入语作 2谓一致干扰(第10 题)非谓语动词1.过去分词作后置定语;2.过去分词表原因Being done;(being) convinced特殊词 watch sb do/doing特殊词 need doing 表被动特殊词 without doing不定式(To do )作目的状语形容词副词比较级more 与never 的搭配使用倍数表达:倍数(Twice)+the+单位名词(price)Much 的用法倍数表达Times as many/much as 中 many 和 much 的选择(看所修饰的名词是否为可数名词)特殊用法Suggest 不表示“建议”时的用法Be worth=cost1.It is a pity for there to be any 2.Over 与above的区别;(the harbor)Have no alternative( choice) but to do;would rather do; would rather not doHad better do sth;Had better not do sth词一、 动词动词的基本分类基本助动词: have; do; be(1)助动词 情态助动词 will would ;may might; can could; must; need; shall should; ought to; dare 注意:3特殊情态动词:would rather, would sooner; would (just) as soon; had better, had sooner; can not but; may (just) as well.情态动词在虚拟语气中的含义及其用法。(2)实意动词 及物动词:transitive verb可以直接跟宾语,且必须有宾语。We reached the railway station at noon.I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.Our suggestion will be considered by the committee. 不及物动词:intransitive verb有宾语,需搭桥。We arrived at the railway station at noon.Listen to me.无宾语,亦可以。Birds fly. The sun rises.动词的基本时态、语态的构成形式及其用法(参看考前辅导教程 P88) ;一般现在时(主谓一致):现在进行时:现在完成时:一般将来时:将来进行时;将来完成时一般过去时:过去进行时;过去完成时:注意:现在进行时表示将来: 一般现在时表示将来:主动语态:被动语态:Be cancelled非谓语动词的构成及其用法(考前辅导教程P74)形式:To do (to have done; to be done; to be doing; to have been doing)4Doing (having done; being done; having been doing)Done 功能:非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的任何成分。非谓语动词与谓语动词之间的对比:1非谓语动词与谓语动词的相同点有:(1)如果是及物动词都可与宾语连用,例如:They built a garden.They suggested building a garden.(2)都可以被状语修饰:The suit fits him very well.The suit used to fit him very well.(3)都有主动与被动, “体”式(一般式;进行式;完成式)的变化。例如:He was punished by his parents.He avoided being punished by his parents.We have written the composition.Having written the composition, we handed it in.(4)都可以有逻辑主语They started the work at once.The boss ordered them to start the work.We are League members.We being League member, the work was well done. 2、非谓语动词与谓语动词的不同点有:(1)非谓语动词可以有名词作用(如动词不定式和动名词) ,在句中做主语、宾语、表语。(2)非谓语动词可以有形容词作用(如动词不定式和分词) ,在句中做定语、表语或宾语补足语。(3)非谓语动词可以有副词作用(如动词不定式和分词) ,在句中作状语。(4)谓语动词在句中作谓语,受主语的人称和数的限制;非谓语动词在句中不能单独作谓语,它不受主语的人称和数的限制。(5)英语中非谓语动词不能单独做句子的谓语。动名词(doing):充当名词、代词的作用,作句子的主语、宾语、表语,经常性的,概念性的分词 :充当形容词、副词的作用,作句子的定语、状语现在分词(doing)为正在进行或主动的含义 boiling water, a developing country5过去分词(done)已经完成或被动的含义 boiled water, a developed country 不定式:充当名词、代词、形容词、副词的作用,做除谓语之外的主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等。往往有一次性的,将要做的之意。 分词(包括主被动形式)用作定语、状语、独立结构、构成谓语,与 with 构成短语等。1) When visiting a foreign country, I sometimes found it difficult _.a. to make myself understood b. to make others understand myselfc. to make myself understand d. making others understand myself2)There was so much noise outside that the speaker could hardly _.a. make the audience hear b. make the audience hearing himc. make himself hear d. make himself heard3)The robber was brought to the judge, _.a. his hands were fast tied b. his hands to be fast tiedc. his hands having been fast tied d. his hands fast tied4)Other considerations equal, the pressure remains constant.A. being B. be C. will be D. is5) , we decided to leave at once ,as we didnt want to risk missing the last bus.A. It was pretty late B. It being pretty late C. As it being pretty late D. It was pretty late 不定式(包括主被动形式)主要用作定语、状语、主语、表语、与 wh-连用,等。1)Henry Fords introduction of the assembly line vastly reduced the time it took _.A. to make a car B. making a car C. for making a car D. while making a car2)When you were talking to the policeman, I saw a teenager _.A. getting on your car and driving off B. got on your car and drive offC. getting on your car and drive off D. get on your car and drive off3动名词(包括被动形式) ,主要用作主语、宾语以及某些动词及某些句型固定要求等。The suspect at last admitted _stolen goods but denied _them.A. to receive to sell B. receivingsellingC. to receiving to selling D. to have received to have sold2007-01Some persons _fishing simply for fun. Amake B feel C seek D enjoy62006-06 Radios today seldom need _ or the attention of a technician.Ato repair B repaired C repairing D to have repaired2005-04 Susan will come to watch him _ at Wimbledon this week.Aplayed B play C to play D playing2007-10 Without the suns light _the earths surface, no life could exist on the earth.Awarms B warmed C warmingD to wa
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