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Text AAmerican Men Dont Cry.New words1.带有前缀的单词: disapprove v. 不赞成(of)disapproval n.discourage vt. 1.使泄气,使沮丧; 2.阻拦encourage v. 鼓舞,鼓励unable a. 不能的,不会的( to + v.)incapacity n. 无能力的,不能inability n. 无能,无能为力unnecessary adj. 不必要的, 多余的disequilibrate vt. 打破的平衡restore vt. 使恢复,(使)回复2.带有后缀的单词:weakness n. 软弱;缺点 advantage/merit 优点,优势childishness n. 幼稚dependence n. 依靠permit v. 准许,允许permission n. 允许permissive a. 准许的,允许的stable a. 稳定的stability n. 稳定性,稳定;坚定,恒心intend v. 准备,打算intention n. 打算,计划confuse v. 混淆,混乱confusion n. 混乱,慌乱;混淆necessity n. 需要,必要性;必需品necessary a. 需要的interference n. 干涉,干预;妨碍maintenance n. 维持,保持;维修;坚持,维护animated a. 栩栩如生的;生气勃勃的lessen vt. 减轻,减少;缩小,贬低vi. 变少核心词汇:1.childlike 孩子般的,天真无邪eg: It is difficult for us to have the childlike enjoyment now. 现在对于我们来说,想要享受孩子般的欢乐实在是太难了。childish 幼稚的,傻里傻气的eg: Dont be so childish. 不要再这么孩子气了。2.disapprove of 不赞成(但不一定表示反对)Eg: She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove of her intentions.The father disapproved of his daughters marriage to the poor fellow.3.discourage 使泄气,使沮丧;阻拦 discourage 。 from。Eg: Tom was discouraged with life when the beautiful girl refused his love.Parents should discourage their children from smoking.4.restore 使恢复,使回复 将(失物)归还原主Eg: Police restored the stolen jewels to the owner. 使某人/某物回复到原处或原位Eg: He restored his dictionary to the shelf. 使某人/某物恢复原先的状况Eg:After the operation, he restored his sight. (视力)interfere in sth. 在某件事上打扰interfere with sb. 打扰了某人interference(n.)in/with sth.eg: Dont interfere in matters that dont concern you. 不要干预与你无关的事情。We cant understand his interference in/with the others domestic (家庭的) matters.6.damage n.do /cause damage to 对某人或某物造成部分性的损伤。eg: The accident did/caused a lot of damage to the car.7.lessen v.eg: We should gradually lessen the difference between the city and the countryside.8.defect /fault /error /mistake 都可以表示没有做对事情或事情做得不妥。1)Mistake 在四个词中表意最笼统,可以用在日常的各种情况当中Eg: Your essay is full of mistakes.It was a mistake to go there on holiday.2)Error 比 mistake 更书面化,通常用于书面语或比较正规的情况下。Eg: It is a technical error.3)Fault 侧重于造成错误的个人责任。Eg: The child broke the window, but it was his parents fault for letting him playing indoors.He has many faults, but laziness is not one of them.4)Defect 指严重的缺陷The new car has to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.9.intend to do = plan to do 打算做某事intention n.Eg: If Ive hurt your feelings it was quite without intention. 如果我伤害了你的感情,完全是出于无意。10.confusion n.confuse v.Eg: Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion. 她来得很突然,使我们完全不知所措。They confused me by asking so many questions.11.necessity n.Eg: Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母。Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life. 衣、食、住是生活的基本必需品。Phrase:1.in the least 一点,丝毫(不)(用于否定句)Eg: They are not in the least interested in skiing.2.to disapprove (of) 不同意3.with regard to 关于,对于 = in regard to = in regard ofEg: With regard to price, we think it is too high.4.feel like sth./ doing sth. 想做某事,愿意做某事Eg: I feeling like (having) a drink.5.not that but that 不是因为而是因为Eg: I can not attend your birthday party not that Im unwilling to but that I have no time.6.(in)capacity to do (没)有能力做7.as a whole 作为一个整体;总的来说Eg: As a whole, the climate here is very nice.8.(in-) ability to (没)有的能力(这里 to 不是介词是不定式)Eg: He has the ability to do the work.9.among other things 除了其它方面,此外Eg: Mr. Smith returned to his hometown among other things, to see his old mother.10. clear of 把从中清除Eg: People are clearing the streets of snow.Text AAmerican Men Dont Cry译:美国男子汉一般不会哭American men dont cry because it is considered not characteristic of men to do so.译:美国的男子汉一般都不会哭。因为男子汉要哭了,那就被认为这个人不具备男子汉的特征。1.A is characteristic of B A 是 B 的特征eg. Honesty is characteristic of children.Only women cry.Cry is a “weakness” characteristic of the female, and no American male wants to be identified with anything in the least weak or feminine.译:只有妇女才哭。哭是女性软弱的表现。不论做什么事,没有任何一个美国男人想要让人家认为有丝毫懦弱或者像个女人似的。2.be identified with 认为等同于Eg: He identifies her happiness with his own. (这里用的是主动形式 identify with)You cant identify money with happiness.Smoking is identified with committing suicide.In the least 一点Crying, in our culture, is identified with childishness, with weakness and dependence. No one likes a crybaby, and we disapprove of crying even in children, discouraging it in them as early as possible. In a land so devoted to the pursuit of happiness as ours, crying really is rather un-American.译:在我们的思想文化观念当中,哭哭啼啼总是跟孩子气、懦弱、不能自立联系在一起的。没有任何人会喜欢一个哭闹的孩子,所以即使对儿童来说,我们也不赞成他们哭,尽可能从很小的时候起,越早越好,鼓励孩子们不要哭。在像我们这样一个热衷于追求幸福快乐的国家里,哭哭啼啼实在不太合乎美国人的风度。Adults must learn not to cry in situations in which it is permissible for a child to cry. Women being the “weaker” and “dependent” sex, it is only natural that they should cry in certain emotional situations. In women, crying is excusable. But in men, crying is a mark of weakness. So goes the American belief with regard to crying.译:成年人都必须知道,凡在允许小孩子哭的情况下,成年人都不应该哭。因
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