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1英语代词练习题I.选择填空1He is_(our/ours) English teacher. _(His/He)name is Sam(男人名).2. Jane (女人名) is my friend. She has got long hair. _(Her/She)hair is yellow. But_(my/mine) is black.3._(Mine/My) dog is white . But_(her/hers) is black.4.Whose computer is it ? Is it your fathers ? No,its not_(he/his).Its my mothers. Oh, its_. (her/hers)5. - Look ! _(whose/who)car is it ? Is it_(your/yours) ?- No,_(our/ours) car is old (旧的).- Its_(their/theirs) car ._(Their/Theirs)is new.II用括号中单词的适当形式填空1-Are these_(you) pencils ? -Yes ,they are_(our).2. Whose pencil is this ? Its_( I ).3.She is_( I ) friend.4.Miss Li often look after (照顾)_(she) brother.5.Are these_(they) bags ?No,they arent _(their). They are_(we) . 6. This bike is my sisters . It is_(she).7.This isnt_( I ) book . _(my) is in the bag. III.填入正确的人称代词和物主代词1This isnt_knife. _is green. (she)2These are your books, Kate. Put_in de desk,please. (they)23_must look after (照顾)_things. (you )4Wei Fang, is that_ruler ? Yes, its . (you)5They want(想要) a football . Give_the green one, Please. (they)6Its Lin Taos bag . Give it to_. (he)7Is this pencil-box Li Leis ? No,_is very(非常) new.(he)8This box is too heavy(很重). I cant carry(携带)_.(it) Dont worry ,Let_( I ) help_. (you)9. _is a boy. _name is Mike(男人名). Mikes friends like_very much(非常). (he)10. My sister is in_room. _is a teacher. (she)11. Jane is a little girl . _mother is a nurse(护士). (she)12. We are in_classroom. _classroom is bag. (we)13. My father and mother are teachers. _are busy(繁忙). (them)14. You are a pupil(小学生). Is_brother a pupil , too ? (you)15. I ate(eat 的过去式) all_sandwiches yesterday. (I) Can I have one of_.(they)16. Jack(男人名) has a dog and so have I(我也有一只). _(he)dog and_(I) had a fight(打架).17. George(男人名)has lost(丢失了)_(his) pen. Ask Mary(女人名) if (是否)she will lend(借) him_.(she) 18. The teacher wants you to return that book of_.(he)19. Mr and Mrs. Green(男人名)and a friend of_are coming to see us. (they)20. We are going to Paris(巴黎) to stay with a French(法国) friend of_(we).IV.根据汉语提示填空。1_(她)is a student. _(她的)sister is a student too.2._(我)want_(你) to do it today.33._(他的)brother is a worker(工人). _(他们)are twins.4._(你们)are English. _(我们)are Chinese.5.All of(所有 )_(我们)love_(我们的)teacher.6.This is_(我的)book. That is_(你的).7.These pens are_(他们的)._(你们的)are over there(在那边).8. Can_(你)read it for_(我们). -But_(我)am small.VII.根据汉语意思补全句子1This is_father. 这是我的爸爸。2Is that bike _? Yes,its_. 那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。3_like_car. 我喜欢他们的小汽车。4Our school is here, and_is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在哪儿。5Whose bike is this ?Its_. 这是谁的自行车?是她的吗?6Is that car_? Yes,its_. 那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的VIII.选择1. This is my book. are over there.A. Your B. Yours C. You D. Mine2. Whose pen is it? Its .A. her B. hers C. she D. his3. bag is new and is new, too.A. Our, he B. Ours, his C. My, his D. My, her4. This room is ours, and that one is .A. they B. them C. theirs D. their5. Whose pencils are there? Theyre .4A. my B. me C. mine D. our6. Is the new watch ? Yes, its .A. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mine7. Whose shoes are these? They are .A. me B. mine C. my D. I 8. She is a student , name is Han Mei.A. its B. her C. hers D. his9. Its a dog. I dont know name.A. its B. its C. it D. its 10. This ruler isnt mine. I think it is .A. he B. him C. his D. her11. schoolbag is beautiful. But is more beautiful.A. Jims, my B. Jims, mine C. Jims, me D. Jims, I 12. am a boy and is a girl.A. My, she B. I, her C. I, she D. Mine, she13.I like new dress.A. She B. her C. hers D. his 14.I often help mother do housework(家务活)。A. me, she B. mine, her C. my, her D. I, hers15.Is that hat? No, its not . Its .A. your, my, Toms B. you, mine, TomsC. yours, mine, Tom D. your, mine, Toms5答案:I.1Oue/His 2.Her/mine 3.My/hers 4.his/hers 5.Whose/yours/our/their/ItII.1.your/ours 2.mine 3.my 4. her 5.their/theirs/ours 6.hers 7.mine/mineIII.1 her/hers 2. them 3. You/your 4. your 5. them 6.him 7. His 8.it/me/you 9.He/his/him 10. her/She 11. Her 12our/Our 13.They 14.your 15.my/them 16. His/mine 17.his/hers 18.his 19.them 20.usIV
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