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阅读理解专练 2016.12A Our environment isnt as green and beautiful as it should be. There are steel monsters blocking out the sun, blowing out dangerous smoke, and letting out poisonous chemicals into rivers, cars producing harmful waste gas, people throwing out waste in a wrong way and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet. Facing current environmental problems, people need to do their best to save the Earth.You can see many big garbage dustbins in the streets. Theyre not there for a show, but for you to drop your waste. We should realize that what a little we do does count. So next time you get that urge to throw gum or a chocolate package out of the car window, or “ accidentally” drop as you walk down the street, ask yourself how much waste youve been contributing to the environment with that bad habit going on for years.At home, the first thing we can do to protect the environment is avoid letting water run continuously and make sure that taps(水龙头)are not leaky(泄露的) ,which would help greatly in scrimping. Another is to use energy-saving lights, and turn them off before you leave the rooms. Its not only energy-saving, but also cuts down electricity costs.Recycling is a method to make items reusable. Many things you want to throw out can be made into new products through the reproducing process. Use your imagination to come up with ways on things that you can use again.Pass the message of simple ways to save the environment on to kids. Starting with kids is a good way of teaching the message early in their lives, in the hope that they can carry it forward as they grow older.With environmental protection awareness in mind, we can do what we can, for the results are to have a big effect on the planet. As long as we do our part, the world is one small step closer to being saved.59. The underlined word “scrimping” in the third paragraph can be replaced by _.A. saving B. cleaning C. cooking D. drinking60. From the fifth paragraph, we can know that _.A. protecting the environment begins with small choresB. protecting the environment should start from childhood.C. wonderful life comes from environmental protectionD. protecting the environment benefits the country and the people61. Which of the following isnt true?A. The more people do their part, the greener the environment will be.B. Selling what you dont want any more is a kind of recycling.C. To protect the environment may help you save some money.D. Your bad habits for the environment are a valuable contribution.62. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?A. The Use of Garbage Dustbin B. How to Save Water and ElectricityC. How to Save the Environment D. Our Current Environmental ProblemsB By 2050 there will have been an extra 2.5 billion people on earth. And what willthey eat?To solve the problem, we should have to double our food production. We can also develop a diet of algae(海藻), insects and meat grown in laboratories.Algae can grow very quickly at sea, in polluted water and in places that would normally kill food crops. They are already eaten widely in Japan and China and they are eaten by almost everything from shrimps to blue whales. They can fix CO2 in the atmosphere and provide fats and sugars.Man-made meat looks like meat, feels like meat and it is meat, although its never been from a living, breathing animal. Instead, it is grown from cells in big containers. Moreover, studies show that producing man-made meat will use far less water, energy and land.China has developed “green super rice”, a series of rice types which produce more grain and have stronger ability to fight against floods, salty water, insects and disease. We used traditional plant breeding(作物育种)techniques to cross-breed more than 250 rice types. Green super rice, which is enough to feed an extra 100 million people, will be planted widely in the coming years.Insects like ants are not on most European menus but at least 1,400 kinds are eaten across Africa, Latin America and Asia. Now, with rising food prices and worldwide land shortages, such insects are getting more and more popular. Not only are many insects rich in protein(蛋白质), low in fat and high in Ca and Fe, but insect farms need little space. And they can grow well on paper, algae and industrial wastes.63. In order to exist in the future, people have to _.A. move to other planets B. produce rain in laboratoriesC. build new laboratories for food researchD. increase the food production or look for other food sources64. From the second paragraph we know that _A. algae have a strong life force B. few people eat algae nowC. algae have few values for human beings D. algae can pollute our environment65. Green super rice _A. has to be watered with salty water B. can grow even in a bad environmentC. includes no more than 250 rice kinds D. was developed with new technologies66. What can we learn from the passage?A. Green super rice is
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