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源于欧洲,植根中国!植物补光权威格维特 www.gavitachina.com格维特植物生长灯 www.gavitachina.com,作为全球顶级的专业温室补光企业,同时格维特也是国家农业部认可的温室补光灯行业最具代表性品牌企业。提供温室补光系统设计,全系列植物补光灯产品,植物补光专业咨询。格维特以顶级产品与服务,为中国设施农业发展尽心尽力,与业界同仁携手共进。适用于玻璃连栋温室、日光温室、蔬菜花卉种植、育苗等。邮箱:infogavitachina.com,电话:010-68716802,18611221848。 (格维特补光专利产品,仿冒必究) 1986年,格维特在欧洲市场上推出其第一系列植物补光灯具,以其可靠性能赢得了广大客户的认可,用户普遍认为这些产品质量可靠,经久耐用。1994年,格维特在荷兰成立分公司;2002年在加拿大成立分公司,拓展国际市场,专门为北美市场提供农用灯具;2011年,在北京和郑州成立格维特中国营销中心及物流与产品支持中心,为中国市场提供植物生长灯产品与服务。今天,格维特已经发展成为全球植物生长灯领域的权威,这是格维特长期以来与用户密切合作并倾听用户需要的结果。格维特一直把用户需求放在首位,应用最新技术,持续改进现有产品和研发推出新产品。在格维特,客户服务是第一要务。我们为客户提供植物补光系统设计、全系列植物补光产品、植物补光领域的全面咨询,确保客户的补光系统以最高效率运行。Rooted in Europe, Flourishing in China-GAVITA CHINAwww.gavitachina.comIn 1986, GAVITA introduced their first series of horticultural lighting fixtures in European market, which were accepted easily by the consumers as a sound, proven product for its reliable quality. In 1994, GAVITA set up branch company in Netherlands. In 2002, again broadened its global reach by opening branch company in Canada, successfully offers grow lamp fixtures specifically for the North America market. In 2011, GAVITA set up Beijing Sales Center, and in Zhengzhou the Logistics and Product Supporting Center, to supply China market grow light bulb fixtures and render relevant services.GAVITA has developed into one of the leading authorities in the area of greenhouse plant assimilation lighting worldwide. Working closely together with our customers and listening to their requests is how GAVITA has achieved this. GAVITA holds the wishes of our customers in the highest regard. improve existing products and introduce new products, incorporating the newest technologies available.At GAVITA, customers service is our highest priority. For our customers, we offer sound advice in the field of greenhouse plant agricultural assimilation lighting for vegetable and flower planting. We offer greenhouse plant grow light layouts based on each customer s needs, to be sure that our customers grow lamp systems are running as efficient as possible.
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