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1Communitybased screening for prehypertension among military active duty personnel作者:Moataz M. AbdelFattah1, Fayssal M. Farahat1, AbdulSalam A. AlShehri2【摘要 】 Objective: The purpose of this study to determine the prevalence of both prehypertension and hypertension and risk factors associated with newly diagnosed Saudi military active duty service personnel.Methods: Communitybased screening of 1283 Saudi military active duty service personnel was conducted during the period September December 2007 at six randomly selected out of a total of 15 military units of Taif region, Western of Saudi Arabia. Screening tools included selfadministrated questionnaire, general physical examination, anthropometric measurements and assessment of blood pressure.Results: All participants were Saudi males. Their age ranged from 1956 years old with mean SD of 37.2 7.02. By applying the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high hypertension (JNC7) 2criteria, 214 (17.3%) were considered prehypertensive. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that obesity as measured by body mass index (OR=2.71 CI: 1.395.28), positive family history (OR=1.46 CI:1.032.06), ever smoking (OR=1.45 CI:1.052.02), and increased waist circumference (OR=1.04 CI:1.021.06) were the significant predictors of workplace newly diagnosed hypertension among military active duty personnel. Conclusion: Prehypertension is a common hidden problem and it predicts the development of frank hypertension. Findings of the current study support the recommendation of lifestyle modification for prehypertension patients. However, further prospective studied are required to determine the role of pharmacotherapy in prehypertension. 【关键词】 screening, prehypertension, militaryINTRODUCTIONHypertension, a major public health problem world wide, is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates1. The majority of cases is asymptomatic and, therefore, goes 3unrecognized and untreated, leading to a high risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure, renal failure and cerebrovascular diseases24 . Studies on the prevalence of hypertension in Saudi Arabia are variant, ranging from 10%30%57 . This high prevalence rate in the general population is attributed to several cultural and lifestyle factors that had been dramatically changed during the past few years5,8.However, military personnel are occupational group with special characteristics. Being away from their families for long periods, frequent movement away from their base for military maneuvers, punctual attendance at their place of work and work overload contribute significantly to job strain and consequently stressrelated diseases2,3,9. Studies that have been conducted to assess the prevalence of hypertension (and other chronic diseases) and associated risk factors among this special young occupational group are very lacking worldwide1.Current blood pressure (BP) classification is based on the recent recommendations of Joint National Committee on 4prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure (JNC7) and the 2003 European Society of Hypertension European Society of Cardiology Guidelines for the management of Arterial Hypertension2,10. The JNC7 introduced a new concept, prehypertension, for systolic blood pressure (SBP) levels of 120139 and diastolic BP levels of 80 89 mmHg 1 2 and recommended screening programs for early detection of prehypertensive cases and healthpromoting lifestyle modifications for theses individuals1.The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of both prehypertension and hypertension and risk factors associated with newly diagnosed Saudi military active duty service personnel.METHODSCommunitybased screening of 1 283 Saudi military active duty service personnel was conducted during the period from SeptemberDecember 2007 at six randomly selected out of a total of 15 military units at Taif region, western of Saudi 5Arabia. The study was developed and implemented by members of the Family and Community Medicine Administration, Taif Armed Forces Hospitals. These hospitals are serving military personnel and their families at Taif region. The study was conducted during regular working hours (between 8:00 am 4:00 pm) at the clinic of each military unit.All military active duty service personnel (conscripts) at the selected units were invited to voluntary participate in this screening survey. A response rate of approximately 90% was obtained.Screening tools included selfadministered questionnaire, general physical examination, anthropometric measurements (weight, height and abdominal circumference) and assessment of blood pressure. The questionnaire was consisted of personal history (age, marital status, and educational level), history of morbidities (diabetes mellitus, hypertension), family history of chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertensi
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