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1FMCG video marketing: infinitely close to the consumerWhy Network Marketing? Appear on the network as more and more consumers why video marketing? Resources and innovative marketing methods of the most popular programs in the field of video. FMCG major marketing budget put the traditional mass media like television. However, with the rapid development of network, the number of Internet users explosion, FMCG companies gradually marketing budget turned to Internet media .2010 Pepsi to give up Super Bowl (Super Bowl) tournament title as long as 23 years, $ 20 million marketing budget to invest in the Internet. Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Wahaha famous FMCG companies began marketing focus turned to the Internet. Domestic FMCG companies have long to enter the field of Internet marketing, such as the Queen, of course, before the two-year Internet marketing public relations nature put some image ads, in addition to the portal, or do some interactive marketing activities. “Love Fantastic Art” Dandelion “project leader Yuan Jia Lu said. As of 2the end of December 2012, Internet users in China reached 564 million, Internet companies can not ignore the important marketing positions., In addition, the rapid development of the Internet has led to the rapid growth of network applications in which the most obvious, or video users. CNNIC statistics show the end of 2012, to watch the video through the Internet user than the previous year an increase of about 5090 people, more than 100 million phone users to watch video. “The past two years, especially since last year until this year, the video site covering the amount is large enough, when you cover hundreds of millions of users, FMCG companies can not ignore the importance of video marketing and video advertising placement with television advertising is the most like, the most mature approach to marketing, FMCG companies will move some budget come and do some of the launch. “Yuan said Carol. Video Marketing: follow the trajectory of consumers Similar manifestations, but the video site user base and user base of traditional TV there are very complementary, Cenozoic, 2009, 2010, 2011, three consecutive years of data show that, in a day and a 3different time period, Internet users log on The overall proportion of online video has exceeded the proportion of watching TV, especially night from 8:00 to 10:00, the traditional gold peak viewing, has been occupied by online video media, television media into mild viewership era. FMCG business-to-video site complementary to the TV function have a certain understanding of a tentative beginning enterprise running, not particularly large but from 2012 onwards, FMCG enterprises gradually increase in video site launch, such as China Resources drinks, 2012 in Internet media delivery accounted for 20% of the total amount invested, most of which is video marketing launch in 2013, this proportion will rise to 30%. One of the reasons for this change is the CR drinks found its target consumer group in the media contact behavior change and transfer our target consumer groups 80, 90, Ereli, Nelson and other third-party research, we found that, every day they sit in front of the computer time is much greater than with his family, friends together, even communicate with friends, but also by the hand-held terminal or computer exchanges. them every day to the office about 9:00, the first busy one 4thing of the busy work, watch online video on the Internet after 10:00 time would increase before clinical work in the afternoon, from 3:00 to 4:00 this phenomenon. “China Resources Director of the beverage market, Li said. Li Kai has ten years of experience in the beverage industry, had in Pepsi, Erie, Nongfushangquan enterprises do marketing work, he found that, in recent years, the proliferation of online video users, and food and beverage companies have increased their video marketing efforts. The voice video project put Huarun Yi Bao afternoon tea series of micro-film advertising creative, it is from the benefits of “ups and downs” micro-film advertising, because of limited resources, China Resources impossible scale advertising, so Lee Kay thought the video media. “Because the target consumers attitude to life, they accept new media habits, plus on Love Fantastic Art is long video content more media, we decided to select young people most important to accept media advertising, while traditional media have no choice The first week we found show of good sound in the traditional TV media ratings rise very fast, so 5we make a decision immediately, and advertising to online media In addition to love Fantastic Art, post Youku also add to the mix, this program not only is the whole package, and we are the first ad position, put in key cities, the week after we got the data has been rapidly rising. “ Love video site Fantastic Art for Li Kai was very satisfied, and this partn
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