1For vocational education a basic form of the world back to lifeAbstract: Based on the “life world” the true meaning of the resolution, vocational education, return to the “life world” in the “concept” and “entity” two levels, achieved through the following three ways: First, change vocational education and way of thinking to achieve the concept of vocational education, return to the “life world”, the second is to highlight occupational vocational education courses, vocational education programs to achieve return of the “life world” and the third is to strengthen the teaching of practical vocational education, vocational education to achieve return to “life world” . Paper Keywords: vocational education, life-world; philosophy, curriculum, teaching “Back to life the world of education” as a consensus, not only the basic concept of today’s education reform, and gradually evolved into a world-wide, colorful practice of education reform, vocational education as an integral part of the whole, natural but 2also actively pursuing the return of the living world. The question is what way to achieve this return? this article from the “Living World” launched the concept of starting a detailed analysis. First, the “life world” the true meaning of “Life world” concept was first used by Husserl’s phenomenology in his later years for the European master of science and the crisis proposed by the Europeans. “Life world” in Husserl’s phenomenology, sometimes with the “surrounding world”, “life around the world, ““ everyday world “and so confused use, they are expressed with the visual sight of space and space for the formation, with a ground-breaking, non-issue nature of subjective, intuitive, and other features. Jose Seoul will be “Living World” into “everyday world” and “original life world”, “the former is based on knowledge, feelings, intentions and other various fun experience and intuition, emotions, the purpose of the main content place to live, while the latter subjective a priori world. “[1] Husserl’s” return to the living world “refers to the direct return to the” everyday world “, indirectly, back to the” original life-world. “ 3“Life world” in the German philosopher Habermas’s philosophy, mainly refers to an intersubjective world, “refers to the interaction with the actors and in which the interaction between the main premise of the world.” [ 2] He “communicative rationality” of human liberation and salvation as their fundamental way, to overcome the technological age “instrumental rationality” of human self-alienation, to resolve the legitimacy crisis of capitalism, while the “life world” is “communicative rationality “occurrence basis and the role of the field. German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s “life world” is a daily public areas in the world of his concern that “this in the” everyday is the main public rooms in the world with ease, sink or alienated way of interaction and coexistence of the world, He highlighted the theme is clearly “this in the” daily coexistence, that is a special mode of existence. In addition, in Marx’s practical philosophy, but also rich and profound “life-world” thinking. Marx is 4the survival of practice from the perspective of people’s life and treat people “living world” in Marx’s view, it is practice of human existence and its own people to generate the unity of the world, “real-life world.” He usually “sensitive activities”, “perceptual world”, “emotional practice” concepts to express his concern about the real life world. [ 3] Thus, the “life world” referred to roughly as follows: First, the one in which we live every day, free of the “everyday world”, the second is a historic and groundbreaking in the value of daily life, customs , moral, religious, and cultural composition of the subjective world, or “world culture” and the third is a part of people, and the generation of the unity of people, be explained by the people, build, experience and transform the reality of life-world, although Western philosophers ‘life world’ have different allegations, but we can see: the “life world” is not a one-dimensional world, but a life full of meaning and human care, but also based on specific life the practice of fact and value, rational and emotional, subjective and objective science and humanities intermediation between the real life world, 5which is what we hope to return to vocational education, the “life-world.” Second, vocational education, a basic form of the world back to life Based on the “life world” the real meaning of the resolution, “Vocational education back to life the world” should have two basic levels of return: First, the concept level, vocational education to change ways of thinking, a “return to life world” of professional education, awareness and educational philosophy, which is the vocational education to the “life world” and a “concept of return”, the second is the physical level, to work through a number of affairs and take concrete measures t
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