1For vocational training model entrepreneurial Chemical ConstructionAbstract: China’s chemical vocational colleges in the training of highly skilled chemical professionals has made considerable progress, but in the chemical industry to develop entrepreneurial talent, but more a lack of this situation difficult to adapt to current social and vocational future of the chemical society new challenges posed by people, therefore, should be a combination of theory and practice of the overall model, teaching entrepreneurship, business practice model, business guidance and service model, business model and other aspects of quality training, vocational exploration entrepreneurial talents chemical way. Paper Keywords: vocational, entrepreneurial chemical personnel, training mode Entrepreneurship is a discovery and capture opportunities and thereby create new products, services or process to achieve its potential value. With the social development, employment situation changes and the 2development needs of the industry itself, more and more social entrepreneurial talent of all ages , will train students to become entrepreneurial talent into the community, industry and university research and direction. Entrepreneurial talent is a chemical with a strong business sense, a wealth of business knowledge and comprehensive entrepreneurship, and in the chemical industries to create innovative products, services, or to realize their professional potential value due to the properties and vocational education the impact of the employment situation, vocational students and market practices more closely, to some extent in terms of more than ordinary college students with entrepreneurial motivation, environment and conditions, however, given the chemical industry has a poor environment, pollution, features such as multi-hazard risks, compared to other industries, the entrepreneurial talents of chemical expertise, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial demanding higher quality. 3China Chemical long-term focus on vocational colleges training highly skilled chemical, chemical industry professionals to improve the skills of a significant effect of high, however, ignored the students awareness of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, business knowledge and entrepreneurial ability, entrepreneurial talent is the lack of chemical difficult to adapt to the current social changes, the employment situation of their own development needs and industry demand for talent entrepreneurial chemical, therefore, should be innovative entrepreneurial Chemical unique vocational training model, by creating an atmosphere, the creation of conditions for the reform of teaching and innovative practices, production, learning and research with, good guidance and services, vocational training community needs entrepreneurial Chemical talent. The overall use of “theory + practical training + theory + practice” model of vocational entrepreneurial talent is the chemical variety of capability and quality with integrated talent, it is necessary to master the field of chemical engineering and chemical processes of the 4basic theory and basic skills, but also to have a strong practical ability, technology and development capabilities, but also possess the necessary business knowledge, strong sense of innovation and entrepreneurship. cultivate these talents, should the overall use of “theory + practical training + theory + practice” model. First of all, business schools in the teaching of theoretical knowledge, the field of chemical engineering and chemical technology of teaching the basic theory and basic skills training, and secondly, the school should strengthen the chemical industry base construction and management training, practical courses for students provide training conditions and strengthen the practice, enhance students’ practical ability and ability to apply technology, again, should be tested in practice and theoretical knowledge summary will be closely integrated theory and practice, students develop a comprehensive chemical analysis of the practical problems and innovation capacity, and finally, let the students in the actual production and management training, interspersed with teaching the theory in practice, to put teaching on the practice of actual production, to enable 5students to learn a director, multi-skill, which can be taking a post graduate and fully equipped with the basic skills needed to start and mentality of the professional educational goals while enhancing labor productivity, and safety awareness, increase entrepreneurial experience and skills, enhance entrepreneurial qualities, rich business knowledge, enhance entrepreneurship. Explore new models of teaching entrepreneurship, business creation system and professional education courses, using a variety of teaching methods and methods to stimulate awareness of entrepreneurship, rich business knowledge, enhance entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurial spirit in schools set u
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