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null 27 ,9 1572009M 9 , 5 null ? / ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY Volnull27,SumnullNonull157Sepnull2009,Nonull5 null太阳能光伏光热一体化系统运行实验研究% , ,1 null , null (上海理工大学热工程研究所,上海null 200093)K null 1 :太阳能光伏光热一体化系统(hybrid photovoltaic- thermal solar system- PVT系统)作为一种利用太阳能同时获得电收益和热收益的新型能源利用方式,近年来受到学者的广泛关注b本文搭建了PVT系统电a热性能综合实验台,通过全天实验,分别研究和分析了系统的温度特性与相对电效率的关系b结果表明,在日照条件较好,系统循环水温较低的情况下,PVT 系统的电效率与普通光伏电池相比可以提高约7%b同时,文章还分析了PVT系统内水的温度一天内的变化情况,提出了在午后太阳辐射强度逐渐减弱,环境温度逐渐升高时如何保持PVT系统较高电效率的方法b1 o M :太阳能;光伏光热一体化系统;实验研究;热电收益 m s | :TK513null null D S M :Anull null c I | :1002- 6339 (2009) 05- 0445- 03Experimental Study of Hybrid Photovoltaic- thermal Solar SystemMU Zhi- jun, GUAN Xin, LIU Peng(Thermal Engineering Institute,Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093,China)Abstract:A new type of energy utilization way called hybrid photovoltaic- thermal solar system ( PVT sysnulltem) , which can convert solar energy into both power and thermal energy at the same time, becomes muchmore popular recentlynull In view of this point, a hybrid experimental system for power and thermal performanceof PVT is established in this paper, therelation between temperatures and relativelypowerefficiency is studiedexperimentallynull The results indicate that, the PVT system can improve the power efficiency by 7% relativelyunder better condition of sun radiation and a lower temperature of circulatingwaternull Meanwhile, the changeofthewater temperature in PVT system is analyzed and amethod of how to keep ahigh level of power efficiencyis proposed under a lower solar radiation and higher environmental temperaturenullKey words:solar energy; PVT system; experimental study; power benefitsl null 2009- 07- 30null null null 2009- 09- 10T e :% , (1984 ),3 , V 3 b0null V o ? 99null98% 1 ? , M 1 , ? r o 9 ? 177!1017 kW, t ? 30% ; T $ Q 1#b7 ? ; G L ; ? % K , s e b V ? C , ? ? r q V 6 7 , V 6 1 ,M r q / 0null5%by N 4 ,| P 6 F l ,; ?P B , ? - l m , ? ; ; B 8 d (hynullbrid photovoltaic- thermal solar system % PVT d ) 7 3 b B ? d , &445& T v T b1 * b ,v s , L = P 9 F n , b l 1 s ,4 , b Z , L bDeVries Zondag T 5 T L= T , r q H ,?- 4 r q 50% ,7 O s Y1 . d 2#bHuang3# 5 = Z ,i O | N o b ( ) Q a , a5 F d , T AU K 52 , Q = M 4 = b1 a o ! 9 B * y E K T h $ 1 T PVTL d , d 8 r q H V 4- 7#b - $ , ; ; B 8 F q , PVT d M ? r q L ,9 , g / PVT F q M r q , T ? b1null L PVT d 8 ? 1 L q y Z v ? L = L , ? V s z , d v 4 M ? , B v PVTF q m 1 m 2U bm 1null mm 2null PVT F q U i mL k d m 3, 8 ,7 , k s b I $ ( , Z _ s Y 4 , L 1 b 1 L Z E ,| PVTF q Y F q 60 , 2 b , 0null3 mbV 9(30 15(30, d 5 min | ai : c B Q bL H S PVT F q M bm 3null k d U i mm 4null L L m | 2008M 11 18 11(00 13(00 V 1a2, B H r B ? K v ,7 ? b ,P PVTF q M
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