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Al2O3 纤维在空间充气式气动阻尼结构中的应用曹null 旭(bW,100076)K1null 文章分析了空间充气式气动阻尼结构( IADS)柔性热防护系统( TPS)的性能a特点和结构, 及Al2O3纤维的性能,通过介绍美国充气式气球伞a充气式回收飞行器a充气阻尼式再入飞行器的TPS, 对Al2O3纤维在IADS中的应用前景进行了展望b1oM充气式气动阻尼结构 热防护系统 氧化铝纤维 应用 航天器回收ms|: V45DSM:AcI|: 1009- 8518( 2010) 05- 0016- 06The Application of Al2O3 Fibers in Space InflatableAerodynamic Decelerator StructuresCao Xu( Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics and Electricity, Beijing 100076, China)Abstract Firstly, the performance, characteristics and structures of Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator Structures( IADS) flexible Thermal Protection System(TPS) were analyzed in this paper. Then, the property of alumina fibers wasintroduced. Based on the excellent performance of alumina fibers and several foreign aircraft TPS, such as American In-flatable Air Balloon Umbrella, Inflatable Recovery Vehicle, and the Program to Advance Inflatable- Decelerators for At-mospheric Entry, this paper showed a promising outlook of the fiber in IADS field.Key words Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator Structures Thermal Protection System Al2O3 fibers Appl-ication Spaceraft recoveryl: 2010- 05- 28:SbW/1?51 nullnullm1null,IRDTkf1t?/t?Z,d/T|1,yN,A?a/1pa5l/bTED( Inflatable Aerodynamic DeceleratorStructures, IADS)BTvf,BV,46E,iV04,K1&LCdV7rt?ldbIADSF|.dRfd( Thermal Protection System,16nullt?R*SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING3152010M10TPS)ahd/dB8bm1,T/( InflatableRe- entry and Descent Technology, IRDT)kfUimbIADSTBt?l/,:RVT,ra 99Al2O3 85SiO2 15/ null 1 800 1 800 1 800 2 000 1 8008/nullm 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12AMF+SiO2null- Al2O3+F+SiO2null- Al2O3+SiO2 null- Al2O3null- Al2O3+F/ ( g/ cm3) 2. 7 3. 05 3. 03 3. 9 3. 4%/ GPa 1. 7 2 2 3. 1 2. 1/ GPa 150 190 193 380 260n10- 6/ null 3 5. 3 5. 3 8. 0 6. 03MkT,Nextel80?m3UbVA,1 000 nullH,Nextel8qd,3128,(85%,731281 000 nullq955%b61 200 nullH31280,8s,8qd,(85%bqK4408,V65%b1 400 nullH,7208q85%, 5506108qM,30% , 4408sbkT,P1 000 null 1 400 nullH,Nextel8?1pb18nullt?R*2010M31m3 null Nextel8/q3null2null Al2O38!ZEAl2O383e,VVAa$AaBtAa,9VT98!,3!1p;Vb,8bMSiC8,Nextel831 5bAl2O381!ZE:-EaAaEa=Ea882AEb3M-E!Nextel8,cJ0Y0Al2O3,FTAFsATB2O3FsH3BO3,A,|AiT,*a,|82,1 000 nullafHq/,Al2O38b-EV?sAl2O38b!ZEe,V!9,?Z.v 6- 7b3null3null Al2O38TEDTR/+MsWSj,7*+EM-S7SM1,Sa,xbTfMkT,ZX|y?Z 8- 10bAl2O38s0?,VT1I,+Y3MNextel8,STfXWb3null3null1 nullToSILC Dover*8h$d9!9BTo,TPS( MLI) ,F:(L8aat#VLtbTos,yN7bFKV,R5, ILC Dover!9r25FTPS,K(L8Nextel 3128,FV2UbToVs,v,TPSvhlbV2 nullSToTPS?/ mmNextel 3120. 31 2( Carbon Felt)0. 86 1t(Ti)0. 05 1( Carbon Felt)0. 86 1t0. 05 35曹旭: Al2O3 纤维在空间充气式气动阻尼结构中的应用 19null?/ mmht( Al)E0. 13 4htKapton( Al- Kapton)E0. 05 1Al- KaptonE0. 008 11Al- KaptonE0. 15 1Kapton5E0. 18 13null3null2 null
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