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中国油画界有史以来最重量级的展览“历史的温度:20世纪中央美术学院与中国具象油画展”将于10 月25日在金陵美术馆正式开幕,展期两个月。昨天上午,该展览的前期新闻发布会在金陵美术馆召开。记者从发布会上获悉,这批时间跨度长达一个世纪的200余幅油画精品已于18 日凌晨顺利抵宁,观众将从这些展品中看到中国油画史的前世今生。中央美院副教授郭红梅博士在本次发布会上,提前公布了近10幅清末玻璃画,“这批清末老油画和玻璃画可以比喻为中国油画的祖母。”郭红梅博士说。由郎世宁传入中国中西合璧雅俗共赏据郭红梅博士介绍,玻璃画是在清代乾隆年间,由意大利画家郎世宁传入中国,兴盛于宫廷和大贵族间的一种典型的“中西合璧,雅俗共赏”的艺术样式,简而言之就是在玻璃背面进行的反笔油画。在由中央美院本次带来的近10幅清末玻璃画作品中,一幅名为水中楼阁的玻璃画备受郭红梅推崇。“最上乘的玻璃画,一定是结合了西方宫廷贵族审美趣味的古典主义绘画技法,以及中国宫廷贵族审美趣味的工笔重彩画和中国民间年画艺术三者的艺术样式,非常具有中国艺术特色。”郭红梅指着水中楼阁说。从图片上看,这幅水中楼阁描绘的是清末贵族赏园游湖的情景。画中亭台楼阁、远山近水,色彩艳丽、层次分明。“在玻璃画中,最难画的就是云。你看这幅作品左上角的云朵精彩至极,明暗对比层次丰富,光影效果非常传神,是典型的西方古典主义画法,尤其与17世纪小荷兰画派中的风景画画风极为相似。”郭红梅告诉记者,她认为这件作品应该是在乾隆年间创作的。“而且作者一定要么亲自,要么间接跟郎世宁学过画。那个云朵的画法,远山、树木的画法,一定是要受过古典主义的正规训练才能达到现在的效果。”别看这幅作品的尺寸高是44.6cm,宽是65.5cm,但在玻璃画的种类中,已经是清末期间非常罕见的巨幅作品了,同时也是中央美院馆藏的老玻璃画精品中的精品。在清末具有两大功能用于宫廷建筑和大贵族相亲玻璃画在清代社会非常流行,价格也十分昂贵,不但原框都是木质的,具有中国特色,而且首选金丝楠木等极其贵重的木材。“玻璃画在17-18世纪的时候特别珍贵,堪比稀世珍宝,只有皇宫才有实力使用,往往被作为皇帝后宫建筑的构建进行展示。后来慢慢流行于大贵族之间,一般家庭承担不了。”郭红梅介绍,当时玻璃画最大的功能之一就是“炫富”。“主要作为宫廷贵族炫耀身份、财富的一种手段,放到厅堂里,画的内容涉及风景、动物、植物、人物等。”据悉,故宫的建筑构建上,目前还存有100余件玻璃画。其实,玻璃画在当时还有一个非常重要的功能“相亲”。“就是作为相亲时候的照片,将来要作为嫁妆或陪嫁随女方一起带走,由新娘收藏保管起来。”郭红梅告诉记者,玻璃画除了被作为建筑构建和相亲之用外,还有一个重要的种类,就是春宫画。“这次我们带来了两件馆藏的非常精彩、格调非常高雅的艺术品,有点类似于春宫画性质的玻璃画。”郭红梅一边介绍,一边向记者展示了这两幅玻璃画。只见这两幅作品中的女子,身着半透明的纱衣,神态含蓄、优雅、低调,同时欲盖弥彰、羞羞答答,以一种中庸的方式向观众展示了自己女性的魅力。“原作上女子穿的纱衣,漂亮极了,任何一个局部都百看不厌。”绘画技法独特现已失传造型和着色都要反着来如此漂亮的玻璃画,制作起来却不简单。郭红梅惋惜地告诉记者,此种玻璃画的绘画技法现已失传,很难再被恢复。“玻璃画是正面看的,所以这种技法要求画师在玻璃的反面作画。不但造型上要反着画,着色时也要反着着色。”郭红梅透露,画玻璃画最难的技巧就是着色。“观众最前面看到的色彩是要最后涂的,所以是反过来涂色。色彩越丰富,技巧越艰难。就像女人化妆打粉底,到皮肤的红晕、脸的红晕,需要按步骤一步一步来,但玻璃画恰恰相反,必须得反着来,太复杂了。”同时,由于玻璃上所上的颜色不容易干透,只有等色彩干透以后才可以上第二遍颜色,这也导致作画时间相对漫长。“玻璃上的颜料干起来特别慢,比传统的古典油画还要慢。因此要等,等上两三天,干了再来一遍,还着不了急。层次越多的,作画时间越漫长。”郭红梅说,普普通通的一件作品,可能就需要画家画上几个月甚至半年。此外,要想保持非常好的玻璃画的色彩效果,玻璃的质地一定要非常薄才行,厚了效果出不来。“本来就是玻璃,还得选薄的作画,因此目前国内存世的玻璃画只有1000多件,大部分都流失到国外了。”郭红梅对记者说,得益于中央美院老一辈教授的精心收集,目前中央美院馆藏的玻璃画有30余件作品,基本品相良好、制作精良。据了解,玻璃画目前在收藏市场上价格高企。2007年伦敦苏富比举行老玻璃画专场拍卖会,其中一对描绘清代富贵人家生活场景的老玻璃画,配有精美的镜框,成交价达到了18 万英镑。英语翻译:In the history of Chinese painting world heavyweight Exhibition - history temperature: 20th century Central Academy of fine arts and Chinese figurative oil painting exhibition will on October 25 in Jinling Art Museum officially opened, extension of two months. Yesterday morning, the exhibition of pre press conference held in the Jinling art museum. Reporters learned from the press conference, the time span of more than a century of 200 pieces of oil paintings in the early morning of 18, the audience will see the history of Chinese oil painting in the past and present. Central Academy of fine arts, Associate Professor Guo Hongmei, in the conference, announced ahead of the nearly 10 sites in the late Qing Dynasty glass painting, this group in the late Qing Dynasty old paintings and glass painting can compared to Chinese oil painting grandmother. Dr. Guo Hongmei said.Introduced into China by Lang ShiningChinese and Western suit and the common peopleAccording to Dr. Guo Hongmei, glass painting is in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, the Italian painter Giuseppe Castiglione was introduced into China, thriving in the palace and the nobility of a typical Chinese and Western tastes, the artistic style, in a nutshell, is on the back of the glass anti pen oil painting. In by the Central Academy of fine arts to bring the nearly 10 sites in the late Qing Dynasty glass painting works, a picture of called Water Pavilion glass painting much Guo Hongmei respected. The most superior glass painting, it must be combined with the Western Palace noble taste of classical painting techniques, and Chinese palace noble taste meticulous heavy color painting and Chinese folk art paintings art style is very characteristic of Chinese art. Guo Hongmei pointed to the Water Pavilion said.From the picture, the picture of water is a description of the aristocratic Pavilion Lake tours of the park scene. The color is gorgeous, pavilions, terraces and open halls Yuanshanjinshui, structured. In the glass, the most difficult is the cloud. You see this picture www.14se.net to the left corner of the clouds extremely wonderful, rich layers of contrast of light and shade, light effect is very vivid is typical of Western classical painting, especially with the 17th century Dutch painters of landscape painting wind is very similar. Guo Hongmei told reporters, she thought that the work should be created in the Qianlong period. And the author must either personally, or indirectly, with Lang Shining. The clouds of the painting, painting the mountains, trees, must be to trained in the classical theory of formal training in order to achieve the effect now. Dont look at the size of this painting is 44.6cm, width of the is 65.5cm. But in the kinds of glass painting, already is during the late Qing Dynasty is very rare huge works, but also the Central Academy of fine arts collection of old glass painting boutique in the boutique.In the late Qing Dynasty has two major functionsUsed in the court building
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