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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:娱乐英语 布兰切特:别人想侮辱我时就叫我好莱坞女演员It was Cate Blanchetts second time climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge. She couldnt really say why she wanted to do it, or what it is about heights that appeals to her. She has no interest in skydiving or bungee jumping or parachuting. Shes not especially sporty or athletic. Its not thrills she likes; its control. She once drove her children to the edge of Mount Yasur, an active volcano on the island of Tanna.这是凯特布兰切特第二次爬上悉尼海港大桥(Sydney Harbour Bridge)。她说不上来自己为何这样做,也不知道攀高的吸引力从何而来。她对跳伞或蹦极没什么兴趣,也不是特别健壮或富有运动细胞 。她想要的不是刺激,而是控制。她有次开车载着孩子直至亚苏尔火山(Mount Yasur)的边缘。这是一座位于塔纳岛(Tanna) 的活火山。“It was fantastic to be able to say, Im deciding to do this,” she said. “Im deciding the level of safety for my children without someone telling me what to do.”“能理直气壮地说,我就决定要这么做,这种感觉太棒了,”她说。“我自己决定什么对我的孩子是安全的,而不是让别人告诉我该做什么。”She was wearing a baggy blue and gray flight suit baggy enough to slip over a pair of loose leather pants and leave room to spare. It wasnt that she looked good in the suit so much as she made the suit irrelevant. A strap hanging off the belt connected to a cable that ran inside the thousand feet of stairs, catwalks and steel beams of the bridge.她身着宽松的蓝灰色飞行服,衣服大得可以轻易容下一条宽松皮裤。与其说她穿这身衣服很好看,还不如说她让衣服变得无关紧要。扣在腰间的绳带和大桥内部的钢缆相连。这条钢缆贯穿了数千英尺长度的阶梯、走道和钢梁。“I love to climb high things,” she said. We were standing on the midpoint of the exterior archway, with a snipers vantage on the opera house. She wanted to go even higher, up a short ladder that led to a rotating red light, but Nick, the climb guide, said it wasnt allowed.“我喜欢登高,”她说。我们站在大桥外拱道的中点,这是观望悉尼大剧院的绝佳位置。她还想走得更高,爬上一段短梯到达旋转的红灯处,但攀桥教练 Nick 表示那样做是不允许的。Nick had seen a fur seal in the harbor on his morning run, and Blanchett wanted to know all about it: how big it was, and if it was furry. She had questions about Shark Island. She pointed to Cockatoo Island. “It was a prison for convicts and then it was a reform school for wayward girls, so you can imagine what goes on there.” She pointed and pointed to ports, to mountains, to secluded spots of green. To mangrove beaches where you can wander and never meet another soul. “People go to the usual places,” she lamented. Then she laughed and her voice dropped into sarcasm. “Like this, for instance. Its the insiders Sydney youre experiencing today.”Nick 说晨跑时看到了一只海狗,布兰切特一点细节都不放过:有多大?是不是毛绒绒的?她对沙克岛(Shark Island)也很有兴趣,然后又指向了鹦鹉岛 (Cockatoo Island)。“之前那个岛是关犯人的监狱,后来又成了叛逆女孩的管教所,你可以想象上面的情景。”她的手指向不同的地方港口、群山、偏远的绿地,还指向人迹罕至的红树林海滩。“人们都跑去那些寻常的地方,”她感叹道,然后笑了起来,用讽刺的语气说,“比如攀桥,你今天体验的是最不为外人所知的悉尼。”Blanchett had descended to the interior archway and was deploring the gentrification of Brooklyn when a line of identically blue and gray flight-suited figures above began clamoring for attention. They were leaning over the bars, whooping and clapping.布兰切特下到了内拱道,一边还谴责着布鲁克林的士绅化现状。这时,站在高处的同样身着蓝灰色衣服的几个攀登者开始呼叫,他们身子伏向栏杆外,呼喊拍掌。“Theyre waving at you,” I said.“他们在向你挥手,”我说。“I dont know,” she said.“这个可不好说,”她说。“Its like when youre on a boat,” Nick said helpfully.“这情景就像在船上一样,”尼克帮着圆场。Blanchett agreed that this situation was like when youre on a boat. She half-waved at the admirers, a motion at once friendly and plausibly deniable, and continued the descent. She paused on a slip of the bridge that sits between two sets of train tracks to remember when Kevin Spacey pushed somebody she couldnt remember who in front of a train on “House of Cards.” She wished that a train would pass us better, that two trains would pass us, in opposite directions, at the same time.布兰切特同意此刻的情景就像在船上。她向追随者们微微挥手,动作友好但又仿佛是摇手拒绝,然后继续往下走。走到位于两段铁轨之间的位置时,她停了下来,想起了纸牌屋里的凯文史派西(Kevin Spacey)把某人(她忘了名字)推向铁轨的一幕。她希望这时候有列车驶过,如果是两列车同时相向而行就更好了。“What if it went, Choom! Choom!” she said. “We could have the double action!”“如果两列火车呜呜驶来,”她说。“刺激就翻倍了!”Then she laughed. “Oh my god, Im getting hysterical.” Through the open steps the water of the harbor glittered green and jewel-like below.她笑了起来。“天啊,我有点疯了。”往两脚之间俯瞰,悉尼海港的海水在脚下泛着宝石一样的绿色光辉。“Transport!” she yelled giddily and threw her arms in the air. A train sped by, granting half her wish. “Its amazing.”“火车来了!”她大声疾呼,手臂在空中挥舞着。一列火车加速驶过,满足了她一半的愿望。“太神奇了。”The vibrations from the train faded into the noise of automobile traffic as we proceeded single-file toward the climb base. Blanchett was shouting about Chekhov. She especially likes the way he does silences. Chekhovs silences, she said, are like the moments at a dinner party when everyone stops talking “stupid silences,” the Hungarian director Tamas Ascher calls them. Its not that people are thinking of something to say, or motivated by some particular desire. Theyre just there. Just between.火车驶过的震动逐渐被车流声淹没,我们排着纵队向起始点移动。布兰切克大声谈论着契诃夫。她尤其喜欢契诃夫笔下的沉默。她说,契诃夫的沉默就像晚宴上所有人都停止说话的时刻,被匈牙利导演 Tamas Ascher 称之为“愚蠢的沉默 ”。这种沉默并不是人们在思考该说些什么,也不是出于某种特别的动机。它就这样发生了,介于行动之间。Blanchett, who is 46, is currently starring in her husband Andrew Uptons adaptation of Chekhovs “The Present”
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