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小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语 提供:娱乐英语 那些改变整个电影产业的影片(上)The last few years have been a good time to be a movie fan. Comic book adaptations have gone from a doomed niche market to dominating the box office due to the success of movies like Avengers and The Dark Knight, and science fiction continues to take risks, as seen in Prometheus. The contenders for the Best Picture Oscar in recent years have shown that there is no shortage of dramas that range from the heartening to the heartrending. However, many of the aspects of modern film that we take for granted have long roots in the movies of decades past.过去几年是电影迷的美好时光。因为诸如复仇者联盟(Avengers)和黑暗骑士(The Dark Knight)这类电影十分成功,改编幽默连环画已经从在夹缝中生存的状况发展到控制票房市场的程度。科幻电影就像普罗米修斯(Prometheus)里所呈现那样,继续冒险。从近几年奥斯卡最佳影片的候选影片来看,从振奋人心到心酸悲哀,各类影片应有尽有。然而,我们认为现代电影界理所当然的事,许多都深深植根于过去几十年出现的电影。10.Promises! Promises!10.誓!誓!誓!誓!Even the most reserved individual can vividly remember the sexiest scenes they have seen in the cinema. From Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High to Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan, sex has spiced up film forever.即使是最矜持的成年人也能生动地记起在电影院看见的性感十足的镜头。从开放的美国学府(Fast Times at Ridgemont High)里的菲比 凯茨( Phoebe Cates)到黑蛇呻吟(Black Snake Moan)里的克里斯蒂娜里奇(Christina Ricci),性开始成为电影必不可少的元素。Of course, it had to start somewhere. Nudity has been a part of cinema since its inception, but for a long time, filmmakers had to wrestle with restrictive morality-based policies such as the Hays Code. In the 1960s, however, movies were beginning to challenge those restrictions on sex and nudity.Sex comedy Promises! Promises! was the first major motion picture to feature a major starin this case, Jayne Mansfieldappearing nude. While there had been nudity in smaller (and often silent) movies before, this movie helped legitimize the use of sex to sell a film and fuel the fame of the naked star. Without this movie, there would have been no raunchy sex comedies like American Pie or Knocked Up, nor a generation who mastered the art of hitting the pause button at strategic moments of their favorite scenes.当然,凡事都有起点。自从赤身裸体在电影里出现之后,就成为了电影院的一部分;但是有很长一段时间,由于像海斯法案(Hays Code)这样基于道德的政策十分严苛,电影制片人不得不与之频繁较量。但在 20 世纪 60 年代,电影开始挑战这些对性和裸露身体的束缚。性喜剧誓!誓!是以一位明星裸体出镜本片中是杰恩 曼斯菲尔德(Jayne Mansfield)的第一部重要电影。尽管此前小型影片(常常无声)也有裸体镜头,但这部片子使利用性让电影更卖座的做法合法化,也使这位裸体明星名声大噪。没有这部电影,可能就没有美国派(American Pie)和一夜大肚(Knocked Up)这样低俗的性喜剧了,也不会产生这一代掌握敲击暂停键艺术的人看见他们喜欢的镜头就按暂停。9.Oceans 119.十一罗汉 十一罗汉When the credits start rolling, one thing becomes abundantly clear: Audiences have been trained to stay seated. For modern audiences, that is largely due to Iron Mans post-credits stinger, which is an extra scene that rewards fans for sticking around. All of Marvels subsequent releases and many other unrelated films have followed suit.当影片演职表滚屏时,有一件事变得一清二楚:观众已经习惯保持坐姿了。对现代观众而言,这很大程度上是因为钢铁侠(Iron Man)职员名单后面的 思丁格 回报观众留恋徘徊的额外镜头。随后漫威(Marvel)旗下所有电影,还有其他不相关的电影都采用了这个办法。However, Marvel hardly pioneered this idea. It goes all the way back to James Bonds second film, From Russia With Love, which promised audiences after the credits that James Bond would return, a practice that continues to this day.The first film stinger, however, came from the original Oceans 11, which showed Sinatra, Davis, and the rest of the crew sauntering down a street in Las Vegas. Compared to the modern-day stingers that seek to surprise to viewers, this was pretty mild, but without Ol Blue Eyes roaming down the boulevard, we might have never seen Samuel L. Jackson telling Robert Downey Jr. about The Avengers Initiative.但是,漫威并非这个创意的开创者。这可以追溯到詹姆斯邦德(James Bond)的第二部影片:俄罗斯之恋(From Russia With Love) 这部电影向观众保证在演职员表后面 詹姆斯 邦德会回来这种做法持续到了现在。实际上,电影末尾的第一个 思丁格 在最初版本的十一罗汉中呈现了西纳特拉(Sinatra )、戴维斯(Davis )和其余船员在拉斯维加斯街上漫步的画面。与今日的寻求送给观众惊喜的思丁格相比,这相当温和。但是如果他不在林荫大道上闲逛,我们可能永远看不见塞缪尔L杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)告诉小罗伯特 唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)复仇者行动 (The Avengers Initiative)的事。8.Star Wars8.星球大战 星球大战Star Wars revolutionized filmmaking in uncountable ways, raising the bar for special effects, creative use of practical sets, and sci-fi storytelling. In the midst of all of this, one its chief contributions to cinema is often overlooked: the simple act of playing the credits at the end of the movie instead of the beginning.星球大战引起了电影制作各个方面的革命,提高了特效要求、创造性地使用场景,还有科幻式的叙述方法。其中,它对电影的主要贡献之一却常被忽略:在影片末尾而不是开头播放职员名单的简单做法。Everyone recognizes the movies famous opening crawl, the yellow letters that catch viewers up to the space drama they are about to watch before scrolling into the vastness of space. Though it would later become an icon, the Directors Guild did not like this idea at all at the time. They ordered George Lucas to display the credits of the cast and crew appear before the film instead, as had been the tradition for decades. Lucas refused to budge and simply paid the required fine to the Guild before resigning.Time gave Lucas the last laugh. The runaway success of Star Wars meant that film
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