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Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs Supplement No. 8 (Advance version, to be issued in volume I of Supplement No. 9 (forthcoming) of the Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs) Article 86 Contents Paragraphs Text of Article 86 Introductory Note.1-2 I. General Survey.3-7 II. Analytical Summary of Practice.8-19 A. Parity of membership between administering and non-administering Members of the United Nations.8-14 1. Composition of the Trusteeship Council.8-9 2. Composition of subsidiary bodies.10 3. Composition of visiting missions.11-14 B. Participation of States not members of the Trusteeship Council in the Work of the Trusteeship council.15-16 C. Participation of representatives of the indigenous populations of the Trust Territories in the work of the Trusteeship council.17 D. Question of the verification of the composition of the Trusteeship Council in accordance with the terms of the Charter.18 E. Qualifications of representatives of members Annex: Membership of the subsidiary bodies of the Trusteeship Council Supplement 8: ARTICLE 86 2 Article 86 Text of Article 86 1. The Trusteeship Council shall consist of the following Members of the United Nations: (a) those Members administering trust territories; (b) such of those Members mentioned by name in Article 23 as are not administering trust territories; and (c) as many other Members elected for three-year terms by the General Assembly as may be necessary to ensure that the total number of members of the Trusteeship Council is equally divided between those Members of the United Nations which administer trust territories and those which do not. 2. Each member of the Trusteeship Council shall designate one specially qualified person to represent it therein. Introductory Note 1. The material contained in the present study has been set up under the headings used in previous Supplements. 2. As in previous supplements of the Repertory, there is no material requiring treatment under section E, entitled “Qualifications of representatives of members”. I. General Survey 3. As noted in the previous supplements1, after the attainment of independence by the Trust Territory of New Guinea, the parity of membership between the administering and the non-administering members in the Trusteeship Council could not be maintained. Supplement 8: ARTICLE 86 3 4. In contrast to its practice during previous periods under review2, China, member of the Council by virtue of Article 86(1)b, did participate in the sessions of the Trusteeship Council starting with the 1661stmeeting of the fifty-sixth session of the 1Repertory, Supplement No. 3, vol. II, under Article 86, paras. 17-24. 2See for example Repertory Supplement No. 6, vol. V, under Article 86, para. 16 or Repertory Supplement No. 7, vol. V, under Article 86, para. 17. Council, held from 15 May to 1 August 1989.3China did also participate in three visiting missions during the period under review.45. Fiji and Papua New Guinea, non-members of the Trusteeship council, participated, without the right to vote, in the twentieth special session, held on 8 January 1990, to discuss the dispatch of a visiting mission to observe the plebiscite in Palau on 6 February 1990.56. Starting from the fifty-ninth session of the Trusteeship Council, held from 26 May to 21 December 1992, the Russian Federation assumed the membership of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the Trusteeship Council.67. During the period under review, the practice of including representatives of indigenous populations of the Trust Territories in the delegation of the Administering Authority continued. II. Analytical Summary of Practice A. Parity of membership between administering and non-administering Members of the United Nations 1. COMPOSITION OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL 8. During the nineteenth special session, the fifty-sixth session, the twenties special session, the fifty-seventh session, the fifty-eighth session and the twentieth special session of the Trusteeship Council, the composition of the Trusteeship Council remained as follows: Members administering a Trust Territory: United States of America Members mentioned by name in Article 23 of the Charter but not administering Trust Territories: Supplement 8: ARTICLE 86 4 China France Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3T/PV.1661. 4For further details see, in the present Supplement, under Article 86, para. 12-14. 5T/PV.1673. 6T/PV
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