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2017/7/21,山东交通学院,1,毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,2,课程主讲人 鹿军邮箱地址 jtulujun126.com,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,3,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,4,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,5,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,6,We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was conducted on a foundation laid by the Partys first generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong at its core, which founded Mao Zedong Thought, led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in establishing the Peoples Republic and scoring great achievements in our socialist revolution and construction, and gained invaluable experience in its painstaking exploration for laws governing socialist construction. The victory in the new-democratic revolution and the establishment of the basic system of socialism provided the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional basis for every inch of development and progress in contemporary China.,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,7,We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was initiated by the Partys second generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping at its core leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the endeavor. In a precarious situation left by the cultural revolution (1966-76), the second generation of central collective leadership, persisting in emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts and displaying immense political and theoretical courage, made a scientific appraisal of Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought, thoroughly repudiated the erroneous theory and practice of taking class struggle as the key link, and made the historic policy decision to shift the focus of the work of the Party and the state onto economic development and introduce reform and opening up. It established the basic line for the primary stage of socialism, sounded the clarion call of the times for taking our own road and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, founded Deng Xiaoping Theory, and led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in striding forward on the great journey of reform and opening up.,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,8,We must never forget that the great cause of reform and opening up was carried on, developed and successfully carried into the 21st century by the Partys third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin at its core leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups on this mission. From the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee through the Sixteenth Congress, the third generation of central collective leadership, which took over the helm at a critical historical juncture, held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, pressed ahead with reform and opening up and kept up with the times. Relying on the Party and the people, it stood the severe tests of political turbulences and economic risks at home and abroad, safeguarded socialism with Chinese characteristics, initiated the new, socialist market economy and ushered in a new phase of all-round opening up; and it advanced the great new undertaking to build the Party, founded the important thought of Three Represents, and steered the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right course.,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,9,Since the Sixteenth Congress, we have followed the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, kept up with new developments and changes in and outside China, grasped the strategic opportunities in this important period, promoted the truth-seeking, pragmatic and pioneering spirit and persisted in innovation in both theory and practice. We have worked hard to promote scientific development and social harmony, improved the socialist market economy, and resolutely carried forward the great cause of reform and opening up in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.,山东交通学院,10,2017/7/21,第二章,马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,11,本章教学目的 通过本章的学习,使学生了解和把握马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓所在,懂得为什么实事求是既是党的思想路线的核心,又是马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓;有助于我们更好地把马克思主义基本原理同中国实际相结合,坚持走自己的路,建设中国特色社会主义。,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,12,第一节实事求是思想路线的形成和发展第二节 实事求是思想路线的内容和意义第三节 解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,13,一、实事求是思想路线的形成和确立 二、实事求是思想路线的重新确立和发展,第一节 实事求是思想路线的形成和发展,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,14,1思想路线的内涵 2中国共产党思想路线的形成和确立,一、实事求是思想路线的形成和确立,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,15,1思想路线的内涵 思想路线,亦称认识路线,指的是人们的认识所遵循的方向、途径、原则和方法。 一个政党的思想路线,是指这个政党确定自己的指导思想并支配自己行动的认识路线。,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,16,“中国共产党”名称的由来,年月,陈独秀在上海发起成立了中国共产党的第一个早期组织。年月日,陈独秀在新青年发表的对于时局之我见一文中,曾称“吾党”为“社会党”,后来才改称为“共产党”。 最早提出“中国共产党”这一名称的是蔡和森。年月日和月日,正在留法勤工俭学的他,在给毛泽东写的两封信中,详细地研讨了共产党问题,提出:“先要组织党共产党,因为它是革命运动的发动者、宣传者、先锋队、作战部。”他在对西欧各国共产党特别是俄国共产党考察的基础上,提出了具体的建党步骤,其中包括“明目张胆正式成立一个中国共产党”。在此前后,陈独秀在上海,李大钊、张申府在北京也通过信函讨论了党的名称问题,决定采用“共产党”作为中国无产阶级政党的名称。,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,17,2中国共产党思想路线的形成和 确立,实事求是的思想路线,是在实践中形成并且在实践中得到发展的过程。 党在初创时期,并没有提出思想路线问题并形成一条正确的思想路线。,2017/7/21,山东交通学院,
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