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Black Eyed Susans1. Bacigalupi, Paolo : Ship Breaker2. Brown, Jennifer: Hate list3. Carbone, Elisa Lynn: Jump4. Flinn, Alex: A Kiss in time5. Henry, April: Girl, Stolen6. Jarzob, Anna: All Unquiet Things7. Magoon, Kekla: The Rock and the River8. Standiford,Natalie: How to say Goodbye in Robot9. Stork, Franciso X: Marcelo in the Real WorldBoys Town1. Benoit, Charles: You2. Janeczko, Paul B.: The dark game: True Spy Stories3. Levithan, David: Boy meets boy4. Lynch, Janet Nichols : Addicted to Her5. Northrop, Michael: GentlemenGirls Town1. Kade, Stacey: The Ghost and the Goth2. Mitchard, Jacquelyn: Now You See Her3. Scott, Elizabeth: The Unwritten Rule4. Standiford, Natalie: Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters5. Zindel, Lizabeth : The Secret Rites of Social ButterfliesFiguring It Out1. Efaw, Amy: After2. Jenkins, Steven: 97things to Do Before You Finish High School3. McMann, Lisa: Wake4. Oliver, Lauren: Before I Fall5. Scott, Elizabeth: Stealing Heaven6. Shipp, Josh: The Teens Guide to World Domination: Advice on Life, Liferty, and the Pursuit of AwesomenessCliff-hanger1. Beaufrand, Mary Jane: The River2. Mussi, Sarah: The Door of No Return3. Nitz, Kristin Wolden: Suspect4. Unger, Lisa: FragileOur World1. Gold , Rozanne: Eat Fresh Food: Awesome Recipes for Teen Chefs2. Gonick, Larry: The Carton History of the Universe3. Kaye, Cathryn Berger&Philippe Cousteau : Going Blue: A Teen Guide to Saving our Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Wetlands4. Kurson, Robert: Shadow Divers: the True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything To Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II5. Pfetzer, Mark: Within Reach: My Everest Story6. Roach, Mary: Packing for Mars: the Curious Science of Life in the Void7. Simon, Singh: The Code Book: How to Make It, Break It, Hack It, Crack ItPoetic License1. Adoff, Jaime: The Death of Jayson Porter2. Time You Let Me In: 25 Poets Under 25 (selected by Naomi Shihab Nye)3. Wolff, Virginia Euwer: This Full House 让我以位于夏威夷瓦夏娃市(Wahiawa Hawaii)的雷乐华高级中学(Leilehua High School)“AP 英语文学与写作”课程为例。该课程为一学年的课程。由于该校实行的是一学年 4个学期制,所以,这门课程的相关内容,需要在 4个学期之内完成。该课程集中于阅读和分析文学作品,同时侧重写作批评性的文章。这门课程都读些什么作品呢?剧本 15个,小说 36部。在 15个剧本中,既有欧洲古典戏剧,也有美国现当代戏剧。剧本 15 部:欧洲古典戏剧(8 部)索福克勒斯: 俄狄浦斯王、 安提戈涅莎士比亚:李尔王、麦克白、 奥赛罗、驯悍记易卜生的: 玩偶之家和海达 高布乐当代戏剧(7 部)田纳西威廉姆斯:玻璃动物园、欲望号街车阿瑟 米勒:熔炉、 推销员 之死塞缪尔贝克特等待戈多罗瑞恩汉斯伯利烈日当空桑顿怀尔德的我们的小镇小说 36 部英国作家 8 位,共选小说 10 部。包括:狄更斯: 双城记、 远大前程哈代的苔丝奥斯丁:傲慢与偏见艾米利 勃朗特:呼啸山庄奥维尔:1984赫胥黎的:美丽新世界康拉德: 基姆爷、 黑暗之心戈尔丁:蝇王美国作家有 22 位,共选小说 25 部。包括:霍桑:红字麦尔维尔:白鲸马克 吐温:哈克贝利费恩历险记斯坦贝克:人鼠之间、愤怒的葡萄、珍珠肖邦:觉醒普拉斯:钟形罩海明威:老人与海菲茨杰拉德:了不起的盖茨比福克纳 :我弥留之际、 喧哗与骚动赛珍珠:大地赖特:土生子莫里森:宠儿艾米谭:喜福会伯恩斯:小城风波安吉罗的自传体小说:我知道笼中的鸟为何歌唱赫斯顿:凝望上帝沃克:紫色海勒:第二十二条军规冯内古特:第五号屠场卡波特:冷血凯瑟:我的安东妮亚艾考特:小妇人尼日利亚作家(1 部)阿切贝:瓦解
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