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八年级第一学期第一单元知识点汇总一、 单词1.anyone 任何人 someone 某人 no one 没有人 everyone 人人、所有人2.something 某事、某物 anything 任何事或任何物 nothing 没有什么东西3.wonder v.想知道 - wonderful adj.精彩的,绝妙的difference n.差别 - different adj.不同的top 顶部、表面 -bottom 下部wet 潮湿的 -dry 干燥的 below 在 下面,低于 -above 高于 、在上面like 喜欢-dislike 不喜欢myself 我自己 -yourself 你自己-yourselves 你们自己somewhere 某地-anywhere 任何地方4.few 不多、很少-a few 少数几个-quite a few 相当多Most 大多数 bored 厌倦的、烦闷的Enough 足够的 hungry 饥饿的5.hen 母鸡 cock 公鸡 pig 猪 bird 鸟 duck 鸭子 Diary 日记 activity 活动 building 房子、建筑物 paragliding 滑翔伞运动Trader 商人 umbrella 雨伞 hill 小山 Bicycle 自行车6.seem 似乎、看来、好像 decide v 决定-decision n 决定 Wait 等待 because of 因为As 像-一样 feel like 给人-的感觉7.Malaysia 马来西亚 Malaysian 马来西亚的、马来西亚人Hong Kong 香港 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场The Palace Museum 故宫博物院Huangguoshu Waterfall 黄果树瀑布Central Park 中央公园Weld Quay 海墘街 Penang Hill 槟城上二、 短语Went on vacation 去度假 Stayed at home 呆在家 went to New York City 去纽约市 visited my uncle 探望叔叔 went to summer camp 参加夏令营 went to the mountains 去山里玩 went to the beach 去海滩玩 visited museum 参观博物馆 keep a diary 写日记tried paragliding 尝试滑翔伞运动 walk around 环游get to the top 到达顶点 take the train 乘火车wait over an hour 等了一个多小时 rain really hard 雨下的相当大had a bowl of rice and fish 吃了一碗大米和一些鱼肉take quite a few photos 拍了好多照片三、 关键句式1.Where did you go on vacation?你去哪里度假了?I went to Lanzhou to visit my friends.我去兰州看朋友了。2.What did you do in Lanzhou?你在兰州都干了些什么?I visited Baita Park and Yellow Brigde.我去游览了白塔公园并看了黄河桥。3.Who did you go with?你和谁去的?I went there with my family.我和家人一起去的。 4.Did you go shopping?你去游商场了吗?Yes, the stores were very crowded.是的,当时商场很拥挤的。Did you buy something special?你买什么有意义的东西了吗?Yes, I did. I bought a mobile phone.是的,我买了部手机。5.How was the weather there?那里的天气当时怎么样?It was very sunny and hot.当时天气晴朗炎热。Did everyone have a good time?大家过得愉快吗?Yes, they did.是的,他们过得很愉快。6.Long time no see!好久不见。I was on vacation last month.上月我在度假。7.I wonder what life was like here in the past.我真想知道这地方的过去生活是什么样。8.What a difference a day makes!这是多么不同寻常的一天啊!9.Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below!由于当时天气糟糕,我们看不清下面任何东西。四、 语法识记五、 考点总结go with sb.和某人一起去 anything special 任何特殊的东西 (用于否定句和疑问句)something special 特殊的东西(用于肯定句)anyone interesting 有趣的人(用于否定句和疑问句)study for test 为考试而学习go out with sb.和某人一起外出start doing sth.开始做某事 begin to do sth.开始做某事(一个后面习惯跟动名词,一个跟动词不定式)buy sth. For sb.为某人买某物enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事六、 背诵材料1.读熟第二页 2D、第三页 3A、3B、2.背诵第五页 2b和第六页 2d七、 写作:夏令营日记(summer camp)见练习册范文。八、 练习题完成练习册即可。
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