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1Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?Section A(1a-2c) )预习案预习导学一、词汇精粹学习建议 在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并结合语境猜测其含义。(一)单词和短语:1.收集 2. shell 3.马拉松赛跑 4. pair 5.溜冰鞋 6. since 7.收集海贝 8. how long 9. 一双溜冰鞋 10. the skating marathon (二)句型或交际用语:1. How long did you sleep last night?2. 今天你什么时候开始上课的?3. How long have you been in class today?4. How long have you been skating?Ive been skating for five hours.5. How long has Alison been skating? 6. Ive been skating since I was seven years old. 二、听力内容预测1. When did Sam start?2. How long has Celia been skating?3. How long has Victor been skating?三、语法聚焦学习建议 观察第二部分,参考课本语法聚焦部分,思考如下问题:1. How long 可以与 和 连用。2. 句型 3、4、5、6 都表示 时间开始做,现在仍在继续的动作。3.从课本中找出例句 5 的答语。4. 对比例句 4 与 6,可以看出 for 和 since 后面跟的成分一样吗,有什么区别?2预习自测一、单词短语默写1. 收集海贝 2.一双溜冰鞋 3.马拉松溜冰赛 4.多久 5.自从以来 二、句子改错(语法聚焦)1. How long does he collect stamps?2. When does he come yesterday?3. He have been skating for three hours.4. He has been crying for three oclock.我的疑惑?请你将预习中 未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 T:I slept from 21:30 last night to 6:30 this morning. So how long did I sleep last night?Ss:You slept for 9 hours.T:Right. I slept for 9 hours. And I have been in school for three hours. How about you?Ss:T:Please read after me. I have been in school for three hours.T:Do you know ice skating? If you can skate,put up your hands. Look at the picture. Here,some students are skating for charity. Lets see how long they have been skating.洗耳运动1. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.(1)The reporter asked Victor he started skating.a. how long b. when c. how soon(2)Sam started at this morning.a. one oclock b. ten oclock c. nine oclock(3)Sam was very .a. happy b. excited c. tired2. Listen again and finish the table in 1b.3. Listen to 2a and finish questions in 2a and 2b.质疑探究教学建议 既要通过小组合作展示与点评提升学生的合作探究能力与表达能力,又要注重提升学生的质疑、创新能力。学习建议 请同学用 5 分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 单词和短语探究31. collect v.收集,搜集(1)He likes collecting stamps.他喜欢集邮。(2)He has a good collection of fans. 他收藏着不少扇子。(3)He is a famous coin collector.他是个著名的古币收藏者。(4)There is much collectable information here.这里有许多值得收集的信息。思考:(1)collect 作为动词,后跟 。(2)名词是 ,意为 。(3)collector 也是名词,意思是 。(4)形容词是 ,意为 。2. pair n.一对,一双(1)When did you get your first pair of skates?你什么时候得到的第一双溜冰鞋?(2)Jack bought two pairs of socks.杰克买了两双袜子。(3)This pair of trousers is our fathers.这条裤子是我们的爸爸的。思考:(1)pair 用来表示事物的数量,这类事物必须是成对成双的或由两部分组合成一个物品,如 。(2)pair 是 名词,前面可用限定词 等修饰。3. since prep.& conj.自从;从以来(1)I have been skating since I was seven years old.我从七岁以来就一直滑冰。(2)She has been in China for three years.她在中国已经 3 年了。(3)The boy has collected stamps since one year ago.那个男孩一年前开始集邮。思考:(1)since 和 for 都可用于 的句子中,表示一段时间,在句子中作 成分。(2)但是区别是 since 后跟 ,for 后跟 ,since 还可作连词,引导一个 。即时练习:1. This pair of shoes are mine.(改错)2. We have been walking 8 oclock.A. for B. at C. since D. during3. Tony has lots of sports .A. collect B. collector C. collections D. collectable探究点二 重难点句子和语法探究1.现在完成进行时(The present perfect progressive tense)例:How long have you been collecting shells?你收集贝壳多久了?思考:请对照语法聚焦部分和课后总结现在完成进行时的用法。(1)现在完成进行时表示 发生一直持续到 的动作,这一动作可能刚刚开始,可能仍在继续,也有可能延续到 。(2)构成是 。 它的否定结构是 ;一般疑问结构 ;其肯定回答 。否定回答 。(3)时间状语标志有 等。42. How long did you skate? 你滑冰滑了多久?How long have you been skating? 你滑冰多久了?思考:(1)how long 提问的是 ,句中的谓语动词可以用 。其答语通常为 或 。(2)现在完成时中,谓语动词一般是 动词。(3)how 构成的疑问词组还有哪些,分别询问什么?即时练习:1. Rose came to Beijing in 2002.She here for eight years.A. was living B. live C. will live D. has lived2. will you be away?In a couple of weeks.A. What time B. How soon C. How often D. How long3. How long have you today?A. swimming B. started swimming C. been swimming4. Sam collecting shells for five years.A. is B. started C. has been Section A(3a-4)预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目1. Read and finish the following questions.(1)What are the students skating for?(2)How much money will each student raise for every hour he or she skates?(3)Who just started skating an hour ago?2. Read again and fill in the table in 3a.二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 认真阅读课文内容。标记出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语。(一)单词和短语:1.筹集 2. several 3. 溜冰者 4. talk to sb. 5. 为而募捐 6. the first one 57.整整五个小时 8. an hour ago 9. three and a half years
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