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29 62010M 12 x o J. Infrared M illim. W avesVo.l 29, No. 6Decem ber, 2010 c I | : 1001- 9014( 2010) 06- 0457- 04l : 2009 null 11 null 01, : 2010 null 06 null 06null null null null null null null null null null Receiveddate: 2009 null 11 null 01, reviseddate: 2010 null 06 null06 :S E 863 ( 2008AA031401 ); S E 1 S ( 60771019 ); ? g $ # - / ( 08 JCZDJC17500);? v 5 ( L F / L i 7 b 5 ( ACMTnull2008null05); ; 0 S E L i7 b 5 ( 2010KFB001)T e : ? ( 1978null),3 , ,p V , = , 1 V Y a; 0 q , Enullma i:l liang_ jiran tju. edu. cn. 6 ) Z T = M ! ; M M ?梁继然1, 2, null 胡null 明1, null 王晓东2, null 阚 null 强2, null 李贵柯2, null 陈弘达2( 1.? v 0 , ? null 300072; 2. S S 8 , null 100083)K 1 : 采用双离子束溅射方法制备氧化钒薄膜, 分别利用常规和快速两种升温方式对氧化钒薄膜进行热处理,利用傅里叶变换红外光谱技术对热处理后氧化钒薄膜的变温光学透射性能进行测试, 并对 5nullm波长处透过率随温度的变化曲线进行相变特性分析. 实验结果表明, 经过常规和快速升温热处理后均获得了二氧化钒薄膜; 快速升温热处理后得到的薄膜中二氧化钒晶粒较小,尺寸分布均匀; 而常规升温热处理后的二氧化钒薄膜中晶粒尺寸分布较宽a常规和快速升温热处理后,氧化钒薄膜的光透过率均存在可逆突变特性, 变化幅度均超过 60% . 相变性能分析结果表明, 快速升温热处理获得的二氧化钒薄膜相变持续的温度宽度较大, 光学相变温度为 63. 74null , 高于常规升温热处理的 60. 31null .1 null o null M : 氧化钒薄膜;红外透射光谱;快速升温 m s | : O484; O434null null D S M : APHASETRANSITION OFVANADIUM OXIDEFILMSANNEALEDWITH DIFFERENTMETHODSLIANG JinullRan1, 2, null HU M ing1, null WANG X iaonullDong2, null KAN Q iang2, null LI GuinullK e2, null CH EN H ongnullDa2( 1. School of E lectron ic and Inform ation Engineering, T ian jin University, T ian jinnull 300072, Ch ina;2. Institu te of Sem iconductors, Ch inese Academ y of Sciences, Beijingnull 100083, Ch ina)Abstract: Vanad ium oxide thin film s were deposited by dual ion beam sputtering, and then annealled w ith different procenulldures of temperature elevating. Optical transm ission properties w ere m easured at d ifferent temperature by use of Fouriertransform infrared spectrum, from wh ich the relationsh ip of transm ission and tem perature at a fixed w avelength of 5nullm w asobtained. The results show that the vanadium oxide th in film annealed w ith rapid elevating tem perature has sm aller and un inullform crystal size, w hile the film annealed w ith norm al elevating tem perature has larger and w ider d istribu ted crystal size.A ll the film s after annealing have abrupt change over 60% in transm ission in infrared band. The phase transition tem peranullture of vanad ium oxide thin film after rap id elevating temperature annealing is 63. 74null , w hich is h igher than that of vanad inullum oxide th in film after norm al elevating temperature annealing, 60. 31null . The temperature range of phase transition of theform er is also broader.Keywords: vanad ium dioxide th in film; in frared transm ission spectrum; rapid elevating temperatue = M ( VO2 ) z / 8 null M M + 1 , M M i , M MH , ; u ; i V q ? 3 V I l M , P VO2 9 a; i % a ? 3 ; 71 ; q 5 - 2 . - ! VO2 Z E , 1 w E a ; E a M E null E . 0 w Z E 8 q TV W , M .) M M F s ,P M M + m 3 . ) 6 Z T Y M M M ? 1 y , 7 1 ) 6 x o 29 Z T M M + Y 5 M . VO2 M M V = 8 4 , j h l A 8 = 9 ,9 A P VO2 M M ? ? 3 M . 0 w Z E ! M , s Y ? y ) 6 Z T VO2 ! , = M ; / z / i ? k ,i V 5nullmo / VO2 M M + , N ) 6 Z T M M V ; M M + Y .1null L 1. 1null M ! Oxford Optolab 3000 0 w S iO2 /Si3N4 /S iV M .B M (B 99. 99% )T w , W 160mm, V , K v 2000rpm;w - b 1 10- 5 Pa, Y B 99. 99% 99. 99% b T Q 8 T 8 , 8 Y V 9s Y e ; w - , Y b w , b M V , 5 10m in; V ,
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