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Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP) Vol. 32, Or.,Mar., 2008S2MeV 7 +e N *4q1) y I N i , (I n Af 621900) 0 u CT S2MeV7f + e 9N , +“ N , + / , + 9 + +| , + N9N (J. (JXe: + “ 5 0.3MHzS, L G e 1.14, + n 12000 200, | 1:2.2:2. (JL N v n O . c S 7 + N1 Cc5, $Uf n 9A . I 5, 3I , $Uf fi2 Au )!u 8C + 1|4. .z u 7f 5. 320V50c , I n f p U .CT pUX , Y + ( 5, O # ( .3 n /&I( , K n &I, ( n | r $, |g Or.2 +( 2MeV +n.z O SU-PERFISH ?1O , 6 ?1 . T +d3 n 2 n|, 13cm, O 2.0MW +. L, T + 6 150mA, 30%. f ?1 5 , 1mm. 1 S2MeV +3 + 3.1 n “ N nN “A5 , ?1“ . nX2. |HPE8362B ?1 “ . nN “ UC, . n n , & Ol n 6 , n n n, | S21 D U, d / kTn “.SUPERFISH U) X flK, m , m nN “ e . d, 3nN S 7L3k . 3N n “ , n “, C O2008 01 07 v* I n 71)E-mail:chengangcaep.ac.cn175 | 177176 Chinese Physics C (HEP & NP) Vol. 32 2 “ “ “ IO, L?UnNS &I , “ u CIO“ .“ N (JXL1.L 1n “/MHz1 2997.092 2997.043 2997.054 2997.225 2996.9N (JL, n“ 5 0.3MHzS, L % N , n “N 5 .3.2 O I, 1.4. ( O . XJ O u O I, 3 + . , + U . nL / 7(VSWR) “A5 ( f) , (, 7 Cz , 1(L ) 1) = 1= ( f 6(U 6r) U, ( , Up. d3+ NL, Q I n . L , : nN Q . Im “f0 :Im/2A “f1 f2, Kk1 QL QL = f0jf1 f2j; (2)QL Q0 X Q0 =QL (1+ ), , Q0 n k . , + n k 12000 200. 3 : Q 3.4 n + 5u +N , + , B 4 . HPE8362B n A5 X4. l w , + 5 . 4 n “ 3.5 | X E u, p“ ( 3 5 2 A. n |5 f. d, ) n | , u ( O!N n.z k4 . 3 + ) L, n | !. L , n ?UJ .| n 6. 6n ,6NBL n nN “ COr. 4q S2MeV 7 +e N 177z. Cz 6NB1|. | “Cz mkXeX:E(Z)E(0) = Ksf(Z)f(0) ; (3)E(Z) | , f(Z) = f0 f(Z)6N3 Z “ Cz , f0 6N ?nN n “,f(0) = f0 fmin 6N3B1n L “ , E(0) “ ? |, dp f(z)= f(0) Z X L | . T +8cN | , (JX5. dT : +3 n | N 1:2.2:2, v n O . 5 + | 4 ( | +U n O e N, (JL +z n “! ! | U v O , 2MeVf 9 NJ k| y. z(References)1 GU G B. Electron Linear Accelerator. Beijing: SciencePress, 1985 (in Chinese)( 2. f . fi: , 1985)2 LIN Y Z. Principles of Low Energy Linear Accelerator. Bei-jing: Tsinghua University, 1999 (in Chinese)( . $U . fi: u nX, 1999)3 XU Z. Physical and Experimental Study of ThermionicCathode Microwave Electron Gun. Doctor Thesis. Grad-uate School of CAEP, 1997, 10 (in Chinese)(N. 9 4 fl n . . I n , 1997, 10)4 GU G B. Investigations of Low Back Bombardment HighGradient Standing Wave Linear Accelerators. Beijing Med-ical Instrument Institute, 1996 (in Chinese)( 2. $ pF 7 + . fi , 1996)5 CHEN H. Theory and Eperiment Investigation of a NewType X-Ray Source for High Energy Industrial CT, Mas-ter thesis, 2004 (in Chinese)( . pU CT#. X n 9 , a , 2004)Microwave Cold Test Debug of an S-Band 2MeV on-AxisCoupling SW Accelerator*LIU Jie1) BAI Wei CHEN Ya-Nan XU Zhou LI Ming YANG Xing-Fan(Institute of Applied Electronics, CAEP, Mianyang 621900, China)Abstract This paper presents the model cavity tune and cold test of an S-band 2MeV on-axis coupling SW accelerator.The measurement of the model cavitys frequency, degree of coupling, Q value and on-axis eld distribution are describedin detail. In addition, the results of cavity tune and cold test of the accelerating tube are given. The frequency consistencyof the accelerator is within 0.3MHz, the coupling degree in the supersaturation state 1.14, the quality factor of theaccelerator 12000 200, and the eld distribution ratio 1:2.2:2. All the results observed show that the acceleratorsatis es the physics design with microwave debugging.Key words S-band, standing wave accelerating tube, model cavityReceived 7 January 2008* Supported by Sci. & Tech. Funds of CAEP1)E-mail:chengangcaep.ac.cn
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